I-95 is flowing through Philly quicker than anyone expected Avoided a rail strike but stayed negotiating to get workers some relief This stuff matters. Culture wars bedamned.
We the people send you trillions in tax dollars and for once you did your job. Bully for you. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut on occasion.
This "Rain on Your Parade" moment was brought to you by.... You know, even when people are being paid to do a job, it's OK to be grateful when it's been done, especially when expectations were exceeded. Try it, more people might like you.
Ok I’ll try it. Congrats to the government of Pennsylvania for getting out of the way for long enough to let the hardworking construction crews do their job within a reasonable time frame. The government of Pennsylvania has a hard earned reputation for getting in the way of projects like this. Thus my sarcasm.