92 - OK I'm no military technician but my thoughts: Defensive "stationary" warfare on todays modern battlefield is heavily dependent on terrain and defensive infrastructure IMO. What do I mean? - If you are situated in Italy, like the Germans were at Monte Casino with mountain ranges and rivers to help with the flanks, sure - sit in your fox hole, trench or rubble pile. Ukraine - Different animal. Flat!!!!!! Not much outside woodlines or perhaps rivers to help. With drone and GPS technology, IMO it's probably much more dangerous to hunker down and wait for some HIMARS to blow you to smithereens or a drone dropping a bomb in your hatch. Geography is not the only equation of course but it can heavily influence battles. If I understand military doctrine, it's much better to ATTACK outside your fortress to throw the enemy off balance instead of just waiting. I think mobility (moving around or in) a defensive peremeter is absolutely necessary in todays conflicts or a HIMARS or 155 is gonna land in your lap. But what do I know? My combat experience revolves around squirrel, rabbits and maybe a deer. LOL (Which by the way I no longer indulge in). Just my 2 cents
I wonder how true this is about Russia attacking its own rebellious troops: Moscow Strikes Kill 'Huge' Number Of Wagner Forces: Chief
LOL you beat me by seconds. So you asked the question: Is this real? Will Wagner now be fighting for Ukraine? WOW???
Says he will retaliate against Moscow/Putin. Wagner Chief Says Russian Military Launched Strikes on His Camps, Vows Retaliation
Checking Russian milbloggers, they say SOFs is on high alert around Moscow, and they're appealing for unity
Putting all the recent events together, the Russian MOD seems to have become more confident, they recently announced a plan to formally incorporate all PMCs, making mercs formally sign contracts with the RUAF, essentially nationalizing Wagner. Perhaps Prigozhin has seen the writing on the wall and has decided to roll the dice while the RuAF is busy with the Ukrainian counterattack. Reportedly the Russian MOD has formally denounced Prigozhin's claims (they had not mentioned him by name for months before this), and there are rumors that the Russian Ministry of Justice has just added Prigozhin's name to the list of foreign agents. Apparently the Russian Prosecutor General's office has launched a criminal case against Prigozhin, charging him with attempt to launch an armed rebellion. It seems like if there's gonna be action, it'll be at the Rostov region, where Russian national guard and police have enacted the "fortress plan" Fun times ahead in Russia!
Russia investigates Wagner chief for ‘armed mutiny’ after call for attack on military | Russia | The Guardian I am still not completely convinced, because I am not sure what Prigozhin’s thought process is here. If it’s all true, he’s a dead man walking. And it’s not like the West are going to give him amnesty. He’s wanted for all those robots he rigged on Facebook during the 2016 election. (the horror)
I’m pretty sure that Prig has political aspirations. Amusing that after all this many months of lampooning Wagner, pro-Ukies are pining for Prig to change teams.
Looks pretty real to me. The FSB and Surovikin just publicly appealed for Wagner soldiers to return to their camps. I think Prigozhin knows he's lost the power struggle against Surovikin when the RuAF demanded Wagner soldiers to sign contracts with the MOD, and that he's a dead man walking either way. There's no going back now, IMO. I think he's rolling the dice to see if he can incite a coup.
Good points. I don't mean to claim any expertise, just going by apparent common sense. If doing x to your foe is causing you to bleed out, then your foe starts doing x to you, and they start bleeding out, seems to me that the play to make....is to let that dynamic continue, at least for a spell. Not resuming x immediately, that you may resume your own bloodletting. But like you said... what do I know?
If true, good for Ukraine. but mutiny/chaos within Russia armies isn’t good. Russia has 6000 nuclear missiles and we don’t want various p/o factions controlling them. Russia accuses Wagner chief of urging 'armed mutiny' - BBC News
I suspect the missiles and warheads cannot be used by anyone except the chain of command. There might be materials that could be appropriated, but not missiles with warheads. There is a fairly robust command and control regimen