The Mueller investigation found plenty of evidence that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump, that the Trump campaign welcomed the Russian interference, and that there were dozens of contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. But they had insufficient evidence that there was a "conspiracy", as defined legally, mostly because of widespread obstruction by Trump and his campaign. These instances of obstruction were discussed at length in volume 2 of the Mueller report. Mueller couldn't charge Trump with obstruction because of DOJ policy that a sitting President can't be charged with a crime. As for collusion, the term "collusion" is not a legal term and was therefore NOT addressed in the Mueller report. THAT'S why Mueller didn't accuse Trump of "collusion".
The GOP led Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed Mueller's findings regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump and that the Trump campaign worked closely with Russian operatives . . .
Or the more recent report by the GOP led Senate Intelligence Committee that confirms Mueller's findings.
How is posting a fact about a congressman a troll? Maybe slow down on the labeling... it's a valid subject to discuss here.
Excellent, informative response! It's unfortunate that so many remain willfully uninformed about the extent of the Russian interference in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump and the Trump campaign's cooperation with it.
Yes it is unfortunate so many libs are off topic and really have no clue what Schiff was on tv daily saying about hard evidence against Donald Trump specifically. I know you like your narratives but try to stay on topic about why Schiff was rightfully censured.
Richard Blumenthal needs to go first for lying about serving in Vietnam. Much more insulting to anyone who wore a military uniform.
Lauren Boebert tells it like it is. Adam Schiff's tombstone should have just one word on it, "LIAR". Lauren Boebert Completely Unloads On Shifty Adam Schiff | Boebert speaks the truth about what millions of Americans have known for years about Schiff. Follow my page for pro-America news updates. | By Red Pill News | Facebook
It's not a lie if it's true and this was true. You can close your eyes, click your heels together three times and say "There's no Russian collusion, there's no Russian collusion," but there was.
You Republicans are going to feel pretty stupid when Schiff produces the hard evidence he's been sitting on.
Blumenthal did lie about his service in Vietnam, he was called out for it and formally apologized for the misrepresentation. He also served in the Marine Corps reserves and theoretically could have been deployed although in fact almost no reservists in any branch of the Armed Forces were actually deployed to Vietnam. Blumenthal Says He Is Sorry for Vietnam Claims (Published 2010) By the way this is far more insulting to anyone who served in Vietnam than Blumenthal's misrepresentation. Donald Trump Calls Avoiding STDs His 'Personal Vietnam'
I’m going to suggest that maybe it’s because he was the lead “prosecutor” in the 1st trump impeachment and trump was impeached and it was the first time a senator of a president’s own party voted to remove him.