So they say he is a good manager but he also said he was unaware of the fraud. I don’t think both of those things can be true.
No matter which candidate turns out to be the Republican nominee and I still think it will be Trump the anti-abortion/anti- bodily autonomy positions that they're taking to court the Evangelical vote will come back to haunt the candidate in a big way in the general election.
Still no direct evidence that Joe Biden is corrupt and it's not the number of a votes a candidate receives in and of itself, it's the number of votes that the candidate received in relation to his opponent and Trump still lost to Joe Biden by close to 8 million votes.
I would love to see the Rapture occur just before the 2024 election. The Evangelicals would be gone and Trump would be left with just a few million cult member votes.
I wonder if that was by design as he lacks the charisma and stirring rhetoric that is a feature of those things
I think you fail to understand how intensely and extensively trump was/is detested. Having his name on the ballot turns out the anti vote.
I recently saw a news report on the latest at HCA. Its hospitals are pressuring people to move their loved one from the hospital to nursing homes, not only to free up beds but to lower the hospital mortality rate. It seems that how much money is paid to Scott's latest successor at HCA depends partly on how low the mortality rate is. I knew about Scott's Medicare fraud (correction: he knew nothing about it) but didn't know till this thread that HCA was the outfit he headed. Our local hospital was taken over by HCA a year or so ago. I hope I never have to go there again, but if I do, I hope to die there just for spite. I'll be honored to boost the hospital's mortality rate.