Find a single animal (other than humans) that's been infected with COVID. That's a pretty simple task. They don't exist.
If I recall it correctly it was a mutation/combination of a 2 common SARS viruses. A common virus acquired a short sequence of RNA that coded for a structure that allowed it to easily attach to human cells. Both of those progenitors are common in Asia. Viruses are very simple arrangements of just a few amino acids and mutate readily. You should read the book.
The lab is located there because those viruses are more prominent in that part of the world. The fact there is a lab in the same city of origin is really not in itself compelling evidence. It makes just as much or more sense that a nearby market that is known to sell animals (illegally) that quite often carry these types of viruses could be the origin. If it is a lab leak why were all the early cases around the wet market? Listen to the podcast. Likely false. COVID-origins study links raccoon dogs to Wuhan market: what scientists think Also Eddie Holmes in the podcast discussed some of the animals very similar viruses have been found in. Listen to the podcast. They have just as much reason to suppress an illegal wet market origin. China has denied there were animals in the wet market in spite of direct evidence to the contrary. Listen to the podcast. Eddie Holmes was on the conference call and a presenter when the lab leak was discussed with Fauci on the line. Per Holmes Fauci did not have a lot to say other than just wanted to explore the evidence. They ruled it out because as they discussed it, they concluded the way Covid 19 is structured is not at all in a way one would go about creating such a virus. Listen to the podcast. Again, likely false, although this does not definitively prove it. COVID-origins study links raccoon dogs to Wuhan market: what scientists think New COVID origins data point to raccoon dogs in China market Statement from Professor Edward Holmes on the SARS-CoV-2 virus
No unique symptoms. No new disease. No remarkable autopsies. No novel virus isolated. Simply an occasion to sow panic of the sort that has grown-ass men counting the days until they can get another booster.
Why are folks so interested in the source? I ask because it doesn't seem to be coming from a place of "it's important to know so we can prevent it from happening again."
One can only speculate as to their motives. Some may have been frightened, as you were. Some may have been enlivened, as you might have been. After all, who doesn’t want to play a bit part in an alien invasion movie ? But what does any of that have to do with there being now unique symptoms, no new disease, no remarkable autopsies and no isolated rogue nanoparticle ?
I've heard people discuss the inadvertent lab leak theory. Doesn't seem far-fetched to me personally. I thought Kennedy had characterized Covid as a bioweapon, suggesting it was a deliberate attack. On Tuesday, he reportedly talked about China and the United States developing ethnic-based bioweapons. If Covid was a bioweapon, China apparently didn't figure out how to to make it so that it didn't affect Chinese people. The lockdowns and deaths weren't great for China either.
I recall the mink farms in Europe getting wiped out was mainstream news relatively early. How could anyone paying attention have missed that? Apparantly covid was extremely virulent in that animal for whatever reason. Lots of (probably overblown) concerns about dogs and household pets, though I’m sure we heard about a few dying it doesn’t seem like it was a huge issue. Finally, when we were deep into the pandemic it was discovered that almost all deer in the wild had been infected. Apparently deer are a “reservoir” and it easily transits but it doesn’t really effect them.
I’m still mystified about China’s role in the mass-delusion. Did it sow panic as a cynical ploy to bring down the economies of the West ? If that is the case, why did it have to dragged, kicking and screaming, from its Zero-Covid strategy when the rest of the world had moved on ?
If China created a bioweapon by making a virus, presumably they wouldn't have attacked themselves on purpose. If viruses don't even exist, it makes no sense to consider it a bioweapon at all. If China thought it was a weapon but it was in fact nothing, some are giving them way too much credit for their sophistication.
It's a simple task and and easy task. It's common knowledge that other animals have been infected with COVID. A couple of years ago Denmark had to kill 17 million minks because of it.
I’m leaning towards genuine fear of a ‘natural virus.’ Fear, along with the need to ‘save face’ led China to savage its own economy.