Dirty despicable mofo deserves his Badge of Dishonor. Enjoy pushing Diane Feinstein off the nearest cliff creep. California US Rep. Adam Schiff censured (chicagotribune.com)
This is drive by trolling at its worst Less than a wrist slap. The vote was 213-209 along party lines. Republican members of the House Ethics Committee – Michael Guest of Mississippi, Dave Joyce of Ohio, Andrew Garbarino of New York, John Rutherford of Florida and Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota – voted present. GOP Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado also voted present but he is not on the Ethics Committee.
Schiff should be proud to he censured by the human garbage that did so to him. They can have another event praising the insurrectionists who they ran away from on 1-6.
Keeping in mind that turnabout is fair play, if the Democrats regain a majority in the House, a very real possibility by the way, Jim "I don't wear suit jackets" Jordan and James "I have Hunter Biden Derangement Syndrome" Comer could end being censured two years from now. In the end Jordan's "weaponization" investigation will turn out to be nothing more than harassment of the FBI, DOJ and maybe other federal agencies for properly investigating the former president and his supporters and in the end Comer's investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden will not reveal any facts that weren't already public knowledge prior to his "investigation".
The irony of this is they probably just did him a favor. He can go tout this censure from the right-wing crazies in his primary run for the senate seat and try to use it to rally support behind him. More laughable political theater.
Or ironically they could end up helping elect a candidate even more liberal than Schiff to the Senate. California uses a nonpartisan primary with the top two candidates meeting in the general election. If it's Adam Schiff against Katie Porter a lot of low information Republicans could end voting for the more liberal Porter out of animosity to Schiff.
It makes me sad that Barbara Lee isn't gaining traction. It sucks that she's as old as she is, but I'd prefer her to Porter or Schiff. Katie Porter sucks.
Unfortunately, in the current state of our politics, the reputability of both parties is almost non-existent, and a censure supported by only Republicans carries almost zero meaning.
Interesting although not surprising that the OP used the juvenile nickname for Adam Schiff coined by Donald Trump or as I like to refer to the defeated former president "Deranged Donald".
Talking points to make them feel successful after all the investigative bombs they have laid, not dropped. Still waiting for the Nunez papers that were promised, followed by the Jordan papers, Comer and Durham. We won’t even talk about Rudy and da Krackenpot