Governor puts in a “Climate Change” initiative that he said “won’t cost much at all, pennies…” that now adds up to 50 cents/gallon additional fuel cost. SHOCKER: oil companies pass on surcharge to customers…didn’t need a degree to figure that one out. Who gets hit the most: the poor - who typically don’t purchase EV - and must eat the additional 50 cents/gallon surcharge. Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake!” Governor Inslee “Let them drive EVs!” WA gas prices now highest in U.S.; experts point to new climate legislation
Agreed. So, per the Washington State Governor, time for his poorer constituents to get it good and hard.
It is funny how conservatives love sales taxes but hate them if they are on gasoline. I fully support an increased gas tax. I don’t care if it’s regressive. There are ways you could make it less regressive, like eliminating or reducing other taxes or fees on lower income people.
I did not know only republicans (conservatives) like sales tax increases. I guess I’ve been living under a rock? Edited for those confused. Lol
The post you quoted didn't mention republicans nor did it make mention of any group not liking sales taxes.
Conservatives typically support sales taxes that are properly implemented. It is the best way to tax imo. But slamming people over an agenda is not proper if you ask me.
He was responding to the poster that made the claim about conservatives (I think we can agree pubs would equate)…
To wit Herman Cains 9-9-9 plan. Then there’s this beauty a national,the rate in subsequent years.