Didn’t want to start a new thread..racism at Firehouse 13 in Tampa. (the op references political affiliations, but article doesn’t state if firefighters back trump/maga or Biden) “Andrew Dixon says becoming a firefighter was his calling. Now, he's up against a different battle. This one is in his firehouse. Dixon said in February, he and another African American firefighter on his shift at Station 13 found a monkey hanging from the station's ceiling. Nobody cared about it, and now, out of the blue, we're going into Black History Month, and now there's a hanging monkey 30 feet up in the air with a noose tied to it," he said. Dixon said they reported it to their engine captain. “His exact comments were, "Well, technically, we all come from monkeys, so you shouldn't feel that bad," he said. Several days ago, Dixon opened his locker and found a photo of himself with the word ‘Monkey’ superimposed across his forehead.“ Tampa firefighter fighting racism in his firehouse Tampa (FL) Firefighter Finds Racist 'Monkey Photo' in Locker - FirefighterNation: Fire Rescue - Firefighting News and Community
You got two disagrees and two funnies for an excellent post from guess who? Always the same closed-minded, unenlightened bubbas.
What time frame and metric are you using. Last I saw Black UE particularly in young males was pretty bad currently despite having good overall UE.
They integrate black history into history lessons one month out of the year and you’re whining because whites only history is doesn’t have all 12 months if you include summer school. My gosh that’s telling.
I think that by that standard you should be pretty happy then. Are you suggesting that blacks get more privilege than whites in America?
I’m a victim of the Democrats? Look, at least the Democrats act like they like us. I’ll take that over Republicans openly opposing us any day. You can’t even accept how I feel without you saying I’m being manipulated. As if I’m not an educated man, with an understanding of politics.
I’m glad you feel you’re getting what you need from the democrats. I don’t think the dems offer anything special for anybody.
Some of my closest friends are older white Republican males. There’s racism, which I think everyone has tendencies of, and there’s discrimination. Having racist thoughts is somewhat unavoidable… even “positive racism” like all Asians are good at math, all black people are good at sports, and white people are the “good people”. The problem to me is when you apply the racism to discriminate against someone.
That's up to you. I said employment generally does better under Democrats. You disagreed. I gave you some facts which you are free to dismiss, of course.
Well, there is that aspect of it but @Gator515151 out of context asked what storming the Capitol has to do with racism. I wasn't talking about any racism in the act of storming the Capitol, or any racism displayed by the insurrectionists. I was talking about the Republican characterization of the stormers as patriots, even though they broke into Congress, defiled it, and hung up non-USA flags... such as the Confederate flag and Trump flags in place of the USA flags. They did this to stop the certification of an election, and threatened the lives of the Vice President and other Congresspersons, staff, and law enforcement. Contrast that with black athletes simply taking a knee during the anthem. What I was referring to is that the Republicans blasted black athletes for taking the knee as being anti-patriotic, yet downplayed what happened on January 6th. There are many examples of how it seems on most issues they are making it clear they do not stand with us.