case,was approximately 88% with two Even with Delta the vaccine was 88% effective against infection.
But if he was pro vaccine the dems would be loving him because of the name. I guess he needs to be a drunk or be responsible for a young girls death to really get their support.
That’s a really shitty comment. BTW Ted Kennedy lost the 1980 primary to a not terribly popular Carter. RFK Jr is a full blown conspiracy nut. Even if you agreed with most of the rest of his views, his mental framework has to be questioned. Thus the reason for me saying I’d vote for DeSantis, who I can’t stand, over RFK Jr.
Not a shitty comment in the least. What more do we need to know about Chappaquiddick that we shouldn’t marvel at Mass voters re-electing him with a bullet ? And conspiracy nuts are people who are tired of being right all the time.
He’s been getting quite a bit of stroke from the far right for obvious reasons. Bannon, Stone, Flynn, Kirk probably did not all decide to promote Kennedy independently Why Steve Bannon and Alex Jones love Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon said he received a “standing ovation” from a “hardcore MAGA” crowd at a recent speaking engagement for floating the idea of a bipartisan Trump-Kennedy ticket. “Bobby Kennedy would be, I think, an excellent choice for President Trump to consider” as a running mate, Bannon said this week on his "War Room" show. Roger Stone, the former Richard Nixon aide who was one of Trump’s early political advisers, called Trump-Kennedy a “dream ticket” on the news program "Real America." Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser who has promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory, on Friday tweeted, “I am really starting to like this presidential candidate’s attitude.” Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk on April 6 calledKennedy “one of the most articulate and thoughtful political activists going after the administrative state.”
Reminder: it is the very kind of people who ridicule the likes of RFK Jr. who are making a mockery of science … Vaccineaholic Hotez Ends Many Debates by Hiding from Rogan and RFK Jr.
I don’t really know about what Google or other media sources do, but the scientific studies of this link have been myriad. In fact, it seems to me to one of the most studied associations to have never turned up a positive result. Here’s a meta analysis on the subject. Vaccines are not associated with autism: an evidence-based meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies - PubMed
I am not on the “vaccines cause autism” train, but when you have a situation like Covid, it gives those guys ammunition to totally discredit vaccines as a whole. That is the great irony of the Covid situation. The same forces that are supposedly making sure misinformation is not circulated are the same ones who lied to us. In general, I don’t think the Covid censorship did much good. All it did was provide fuel to the conspiracy theory nuts who were easily able to point to that as evidence once the Covid narrative got destroyed by the reasonable people.
Rather strengthens my point. I have read that there are some 200 studies that suggest an association (not proof of causation) but I’ll be damned if I can find them. But the one you pulled up is front and center.
Certainly true of the medical profession and its vaccines. Side note: one of the reasons I got out of fitness training … The Shirky Principle: Why your personal trainer wants you to stay unfit
Teddy may have lost the Nomination to Carter (hard to oust a sitting President BTW), but the voters in Mass sure kept electing him for decades to the Senate. Sorry if you feel that facts make for a “shitty comment” about Teddy. It’s not half as bad as some of the comments here daily about other Pols…
Dude you are creating your own narrative here. The vaccine was there for people that wanted it and helped. The problem is mostly the people who didn’t want it, many of the got sick and died and at least for a while made the spread worse and now they are complaining with similar complaints as yours. It is always somebody else’s fault. The vaccine originally had strong infection prevention and has always has had good severe illness protection. If you got the vaccine, and then the boosters, and later Paxlovid if needed your odds have been very good. By the time delta came along, most of the people dying were those who were not vaxed. Once Omicron came along it was mainly the very old or immune compromised, but if you got your boosters Paxlovid your chance of dying were near zero. My parents recently got omicron, but they had all their shots boosters and got Paxlovid and they got through it fine. So if people were open minded and diligent their odds were very good. But people who complained and delayed, increased the spread, complained about masks, complained about everything made it worse for everyone, and guess what they are still complaining and now blaming the thing they complained about and didn’t want in the first place. States that had higher vaccine compliance consistently had much lower death rates than the lowest ones, to the tune of half the death rates. So you and RFKJr can keep complaining and playing the victim card, the rest of us are trying to live our lives.
It’s MA. What do you expect. It was a shitty comment because you implied Democrats embraced and liked the slaughter of Kennedy victims. As to Teddy himself, he deserved it and I could give a shit about him.
Wi-Fi is nothing more than a frequency. 2.4 MHz, or 5.0. The same 2.4 things like cordless phones and baby monitors operate on. Microwaves too. But a microwave is producing 1000 watts or so and focused at a spot, while those other things are less than 1 and omnidirectional. RFK would ironically make more “sense” explaining how baby monitors give kids autism. But since that is inconvenient for conspiracy nutbags, he has fully taken the bait on WiFi. This alone makes him even dumber than the one who suggests you bleach your own blood.