And he is precisely right on that count. There is no HIV virus or any other virus. It’s the reason why, against Fauci’s forebodings, nothing burned through the general population when such as C. Everett Koop were predicting annihilation if a vaccine were not found. Equivalent dismissive remark.
Plenty of skeleton-filled closets to go around … The Most Disturbing Thing about Joe Biden | National Review
That's interesting. I have no idea if that's saying the same thing as he was saying about blood-brain barriers, but he seems to concede he's not qualified to speak about that. He also said something about chemicals turning kids trans, and I thought the argument was that it's just a social contagion. To the extent he is referring to findings that have been addressed in various studies or peer reviewed articles, that would seem to undercut the notion that the actual experts are trying to hide these things or don't want them to be discussed. I just thought it was kinda funny that he drew the line about his expertise in the blood-brain barrier context since as far as I know, he's a lawyer and not an expert in any field of medicine or science. That doesn't mean he can't argue about the studies, of course. But I truly don't know if he really understands these things or not. Could he pass a graduate level chemistry class? I have no idea. Yet people are online challenging medical doctors and scientists to debate him. I just can't think of many technical fields where that happens. Maybe I'm not giving him enough credit. It's definitely over my head. But doctors and scientists have been calling him out for making unsupported claims for a long time, such as with prior vaccines and autism. Only after the partisan fights about Covid and him jumping into the presidential campaign is he suddenly getting so much attention and praise.
I would say Covid gave him a springboard and he’s milking it for all it’s worth. I think asking basic questions like what ingredients are in my vaccine are fair. Also, stricter rules around disclosing efficacy rate.
Things have gotten so out of hand that the more sensible question isn't "why people feel like elections are rigged" but "how can people not feel the scales are being tipped in favor of one person in the election." The Trump indictments, removing RFK's video with Rogan, moving the first primary to South Carolina. All institutional pushes for Joe Biden without the man himself actually having to do anything. Many things can be true at once: 1. Trump broke the law 2. RFK is more than a little out there when it comes to the things he says. 3. Certain institutions simply have way too much power, and that power should not be exercised in such cavalier fashion in the interest of actually giving the people a choice. Denying a platform to all of your competition is not a choice. Big corporations and big ego DAs should do their best to stay out of it, yet they're doing the opposite. It's one thing to prop up a candidate you like, it's quite another to deplatform that candidate's opposition.
Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Tulsi Gabbard, and perhaps RFK seem to all be the same breed of politician in the following regard: People that have become such a liability to their own party that they are seen as assets by the opposition party.
If there is a correlation between vaccines and the seemingly exploding autism rates, Google and other sources smothered it. With a pillow. Until it stopped moving.
I don't fault people for asking questions or even discussing things. That's cool, and I've done it, too, while conceding it's over my head. JFK Jr. seems to be doing a lot more than asking questions. He seems to make factual assertions involving technical fields and even accusing others of acting in bad faith. I'm sure he's smart. Maybe he really understands this stuff. I just know I spent years reading conspiracy theories on Facebook about complex subjects posted by people who were lucky to pass high school chemistry. When it came to the Covid vaccine, I didn't rely on lawyers, politicians, or celebrities. I listened primarily to my doctor. The opinion of the guy who was served under 5 U.S. Presidents also mattered to me. Who else are we to trust when we don't have a background in the material? Bill Burr's response to Rogan here kind of sums up how I feel about lay people arguing about technical fields. Kinda reminds me about Trump reportedly taking legal advice from Tom Fitton, who's not even a lawyer.
RFK Jr. Is Our Brother and Uncle. He’s Tragically Wrong About Vaccines. From 2019. His family members publicly disagreed with his anti vaccination campaign.