Because the man deserves his own thread. I just discovered YouTube took down his recent interview on Dr. Jordan Peterson’s podcast.
Would be curious as to what the grounds for taking down the interview. I fully support their right to do so, but suspect it is counter productive in many cases. I’ll try to listen to the Lex F interview but I may not get very far. He is on my podcast feed, but I tend to give up pretty quickly when guests start propagating lies.
I sure wish the DNC would sanction a debate between kennedy and biden...they could charge good money for it.
Without digging in, I'm going to guess it's the Covid discussion. I pulled up a news story on YouTube the other night, which was just the talking heads discussing RFK Jr. Under the video and above the comments section, YouTube/Google felt compelled to include this link: COVID-19 Vaccination which of course is not something they include on most videos. Upon further research, pretty much any reputable news organization covering RFK Jr's candidacy has this tag under the videos. I think he has a point about "big tech" censoring things. Some people can be influenced more easily than others, but we should be able to get all sides of a story without the intervention and censorship. I find the funding of gain of function research troubling. There's likely nothing illegal in what Google is doing, but suppressing dissenting views is probably going to become illegal (at least to an extent) in the coming years. It gets into anti-trust issues. Big tech shouldn't be a government mouthpiece. Government should be free to promote its positions on social media, but there shouldn't be an ongoing effort to suppress or cancel content that questions the government's position. This becomes a danger in a democracy very quickly. If nothing else, I support RFK Jr. on this issue.
YouTube removed video of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for violating vaccine misinformation policy | CNN Business New YorkCNN — YouTube said on Monday that it had removed a video of presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. being interviewed by podcast host Jordan Peterson for violating its policy prohibiting vaccine misinformation. A YouTube spokesperson told CNN that the platform removed the video from Peterson’s channel because it does not allow “content that alleges that vaccines cause chronic side effects, outside of rare side effects that are recognized by health authorities.”
Admittedly whataboutism but how many debates did the RNC sanction in 2020 involving potential primary opponents of Donald Trump. Just asking. If fact, in 2020 a number of state Republican parties didn't even bother to hold primaries. Trump wins! South Carolina GOP can cancel its 2020 primary, judge says I would also add that it seems that Republicans are more concerned over RFK, Jr. than Democratic voters.
I’m not going to Wade through 90 minutes of RFK jr idiocy but I do think media companies should have the ability to regulate their own content, especially stuff that is blatant disinformation. Whether this interview reaches that bar I don’t know. As I said earlier, I suspect the censoring does more harm than good when it involves very high profile personalities.
These platforms censoring kennedy is more than ridiculous...people who are interested in what he has to say will just go watch on twitter.
Correct. It garners a lot of attention and then it's a two second drive to Twitter to watch the interview. But I think all censorship, whether the personality is well-known or not, is troublesome. There is a ton of reprehensible content on YouTube and Instagram that goes uncensored. So there's a double-standard component also.
RFK Jr.: Wifi radiation opens up your blood-brain barrier so all these toxins that are in your body can now go into your brain. Rogan: How does wifi open up your blood-brain barrier? RFK Jr.: Now you've gone beyond my expertise.
I wish Kennedy would have run as a Republican so we could see just how much support there is for Kennedy in the GOP.
I'm not sure if they actually love him or if they just like that they think he divides Democrats - kinda like the GOP praise for Tulsi Gabbard after she began going on Fox News and attacking Democrats almost exclusively. What's even stranger here though is that Trump took credit for the vaccine and even took it himself. DeSantis said the vaccine was saving thousands of lives. Why doesn't RFK, Jr. debate one of them?
RFK Jr refuses to debate various principles in the no-virus camp. In a world gone mad I feel like I’m left with the tallest midget or the less bad.
I hadn't thought of it in those terms, but I think you're exactly right. If he were a Republican they'd be dismissing him out of hand. As a Democrat, his voice just has to be heard!
Various endpoints other than brain function or male fertility were investigated in in vivo or in vitro experiments published over the last four years, and they include DNA damage in various tissues (83, 90, 91, 92), effects on heat shock proteins (93) and cellular stress (94), changes in microRNA expression (95), functional cardiovascular changes (96), oxidative stress in various tissues (89, 97, 98), development of teeth (99), female hormonal status (100), diabetes-like changes (101), changes of cornea (102) and lens (103), and adverse effects in the liver (104), kidneys (105), thyroid gland (106), thymus (93), heart myocardial cells (107), and microtubular cell structure (108). Besides serious design and methodological flaws, there is a bias towards publishing only positive findings, as was pointed out in the IET 2016 report (36). For example, among the above referenced studies evaluating potential biological effects of Wi-Fi exposure, vast majority reported adverse effects. Judging by these studies, Wi-Fi exposure appears to be able to adversely affect virtually every tissue in mammals. However, bearing in mind that the output power of Wi-Fi devices is markedly below that of mobile phones and that evidence of adverse health effects of mobile phones is limited in terms of weight and scope, Wi-Fi can hardly be expected to present a greater risk than mobile phones. In fact, the IET 2016 report (36) states that it is “remarkable that four out of five experimental studies, using a wide range of both models and exposure parameters, report the detection of a biological effect”. Were all of these studies reliable and robust, such adverse health effects would be common and easily reproducible in animal assays, which is not the case for the majority of outcomes. Wi-Fi Technology and Human Health Impact: A Brief Review of Current Knowledge
I don't see how they can really strap a human down to a wifi router for 5 hours a day and say "hey, we're trying to figure out if this gives you cancer." But they can with rats and the results in rats are pretty startling. Not saying it's the same with humans, but this isn't a complete non-issue. NIH essentially saying it's unverifiable, but clearly evidence showing that the wifi waves have an adverse affect on humans.