Can I assume all these are correct: - you prefer it if most of the abortions around the world were banned - the result if that had historically been the case would be an additional half billion to billion people worldwide. - the result of that would be higher child mortality, poverty and starvation and crime. Do you disagree with any of those and if so why?
I wont redebate the morality of abortion. This was a thread about shrinking population. I don't think you can have that discussion and ignore abortions impact. I have no odea what the results would be because you could argue 1B people could boost an economy too. But thats a different thread. I'm sorta over tat whole back and forth for a while.
Here is your basic math post, which is that the impact on the population is one of basic math. Now you’re twisting what you said. 40 million abortions doesn’t mean that there would now be 40 million more people on the Earth. The analysis is way more complicated.
No. It means there may be 20M more or 30M more. That is just in the US. That is a huge number. Now extrapolate that worldwide. Abortion impacts population. It may be the biggest impact to population. You can be pro choice and still admit that simple possibility.
Tilly, I know you don’t like to admit that you might have misstated something, but when you now say that 40 million abortions means there may be 20 million or 30 million more people on the Earth, that is not simple math.
I wasn’t asking you to re-debate the morality of abortion, I was just asking if you agree with the likely results of having a higher worldwide population fueled by a billion unwanted babies. When I started the thread I didn’t expect the only conversation would be about population math but also follow on effects. Since you brought up abortion seems logical to ponder the overall impacts of having a billion more people on earth.
I think 1B more human beings would mean some bad results, but I dont think it would be the majority. I think it would be a major net gain for society. What if just one of those people cured cancer, or cured AIDS or cured Alzheimer's? There is no way to know because we snuffed out the possibility.
What if just one created a superbug that decimated humanity, became Hitler V.2, or triggered a nuclear holocaust? Or, hear me out, all of those possible outcomes, both good and bad, are still on the table regardless of any number of abortions? Setting policy based on fantastical lottery-like odds isn’t sound justification.
But the law of percentages just basically says we would have less population decline. That is ALL i have been saying.
I don’t disagree with that and said as much upthread. I was just reacting to your latest post. Raw numbers would have been higher but it wouldn’t change the clear and strong trend though, we would’ve simply started with higher population numbers that would still decline.