Racial Lies and the Liberals Who Tell Them | HuffPost Contributor As Democrats we have failed to be honest with ourselves about the fact that we lost this election because while we are a party that speaks of opportunity and social justice, the reality is that our party is led by too many smug elites and out of touch liberals who don’t understand the reality of what most Americans are going through regardless of their race. Over the last couple of years when our fellow Americans tried to tell us their concerns we ignored them and cast them with blanket insults and claims that they were all racist and sexist. Because that is what we do. If someone says something we disagree with, we call them a racist. If they try to engage with us on race but get it wrong, we call them a white supremacist and demand their lives be destroyed. We look down our nose at Trump voters and Republicans in general as being less evolved on these issues while we pontificate on how they just don’t get it about race in America, while we are so enlightened. I hate to break it to you but many of you liberals have worse issues with race than the Trump voters that you disparage. Liberals, when you are talking to black people about how racist America was to elect Donald Trump, about how “woke you are” and how you won’t allow racism to be “normalized”, I can guarantee they are internally rolling their eyes. Black Americans have stuck with the Democrats because you were the lesser of two evils not because we saw you as the saviors you imagine yourselves to be. Forget “normalizing racism” how about the fact that we have “normalized” the murders of an entire generation of black young men and our unwillingness to do anything about it because it would make Democrats look bad or simply because we don’t care enough to do anything about it. This is an older article, but so many of our local libbies cry racism on this site and falsely try to paint others as racist, it really sad and pathetic how they act. Some really need to step away for a while and seek help
Since you're posting older articles, got any about how segregation in schools was a great thing? Or separate water fountains?
Just to be clear: You found a six-year-old opinion piece that you posted at 5 a.m. in order to tell other posters they spend too much time online?
Just to be clear I stated this was an older article and to be clear I normally post at this time. And at the poster I was referring to is on far more than most. Just so were clear on that also
Key facts about U.S. voter priorities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections Social Justice was like the 11th most important issue for democrats in 2022. Yet you’re posting this ancient article this morning because it’s not important to you? I’m a bit confused. Why are you so mad about race this morning?
Do you remember Joe Biden fighting for segregation or saying that he didn't want his kids to go to school, in a "Jungle atmosphere."
I'm angry at certain posters falsely to paint fellow conservatives on this site as racist. It is important enough that I posted it. Did you read the article?
No white Democrat or liberal has ever come up to me and told me how woke they are. People get called racist when they do racist things. Is this article a joke? Black people will listen to Republicans when they stop opposing any favorable action that blacks may get… when they stop trying to tell us what our history should be… when they stop vilifying people taking a knee as anti-American yet praise people who storm the Capitol as patriots… when they stop being on the opposite side of us on every issue. Start there, then you can worry about what the Democrats are doing.
I actually did read this one several years ago. You know it’s basically saying democrats should do more and not virtue signal, nor weaponize race issues, but also realize he’s only talking to democrats because it’s the only audience that cares. He’s not asking republicans for shit lol.
I don't know who you're referring to. But, seriously, you decide to start off the morning by telling other posters, or one unnamed poster, that they're 'sad and pathetic?' And good morning to you, too. Geez.
Not to mention that 3 years after that was written, the Democrats cleaned house, taking the Senate the White House, flipped GA and Az Blue ... a win that was almost entirely due to getting out the black vote in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit and Philidelphia. But that probably has more to do with Republicans putting the down the dog whistle and laying on the train whistle with their racist ideas, than the democrats becoming more appealing ... so thanks for letting your true light shine, Republicans.
Racists absolutely despise being called racists despite wearing their racism like a badge of honor. They don’t understand that their racism is the scorpion on their back as they cross the river.
I typically look for the good in everyone (including posters on this board). Having said that, I don't think you can legislate what's in peoples hearts or punish racism away. Which is why there is a lot of push back on either reparations or affirmative action. I think majority of people think of everyone as equal but not "more than equal" which is where the issue lies. The battle against racism is going to be fought 1 person at a time over a long period. I believe it has already come a long way since the 60's and 70's (my childhood). I live my life and have taught my kids to treat people the way you want to be treated no matter race or sexual orientation. It's the best way to make connections and have a fulfilling life. Calling people that you don't know racists may help you fell better about yourself but it does nothing to improve the situation.
The author turned woke in just three months! How it started: May 1, 2017 Racial Lies and the Liberals Who Tell Them Because that is what we do. If someone says something we disagree with, we call them a racist. If they try to engage with us on race but get it wrong, we call them a white supremacist and demand their lives be destroyed. We look down our nose at Trump voters and Republicans in general as being less evolved on these issues while we pontificate on how they just don’t get it about race in America, while we are so enlightened. How it went: August 17, 2017 An Open Letter to President Trump: Condoning Hate Won't Make America Great Again Dear President Trump: The Klan, white supremacists and white nationalists are evil domestic terrorists. The KKK has terrorized my community for over a hundred years. On Friday night, while you may have only seen “good” white men with torches exercising their freedom of speech, what I saw was the stuff of my ancestors’ nightmares. So no Mr. President, I won’t let you rewrite history and compare the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, the organization who lynched blacks by the very same firelight in which they marched on Friday. You want to compare the two causes, but you can’t because the Klan killed people and in many cases it was state sanctioned terror. You judge us for our fear of the police but for many decades it was some of the local sheriffs and their deputies standing watch and participating as the KKK came in the dead of night. They burned crosses while people with my same skin color hung from trees. *** People of good will of all races, creeds, religions, political affiliations, genders and sexual orientations will stand against you. This is not about Black versus White, but a fight about Good versus Evil. You may have won the last election but we will win the culture war. It’s time for US to take our country back.