Things change. And DeSantis? Do hospitable to LGBTQ+ that families with a member who identify are leaving in large numbers. Simply put, they don't feel welcome and safe. A person in drag reading to children in a library is far less sexual than professional cheerleaders at sporting events. But nobody is complaining about them. But a trans reading to kids? Must be horrible!
Such animosity. How dare they honor someone who dared to make fun of any aspect of organized religion! They deserve to suffer!
My wife thinks I'm a human. Apparently, you're suggesting that I'm a bot because you have difficulty directly rebutting the substance of a number of my posts, kind of like your apparent cyber buddy on this board @okeechobee who frequently alleges that I or at least my posts are product of ChatGPT.
Let’s say you are a human. How many computer screens do you have up and running? And on each screen, how many links, windows are open and ready for new liberal search options?
The victimhood hierarchy is something like this based on this thread Tier 1: 1. Blacks 2. LGBTQ-+x?! 3. Native Americans Tier 2: 1. Women Tier 3: 1. The Los Angeles Dodgers Tier 4: 1. Catholics/Christians
Not sure why you're interested, I have one computer screen that's open a couple of hours a day and a second one if my smart phone is included maybe another hour (not counting the time when it's used as a phone not to access the Internet or for other computer functions). Very seldom are the two on simultaneously.
Well I am impressed. You should consider changing your name to link master or something. You’re a wizard at finding libbie articles and posting them.
Restating what I said in previous posts quoting an old GEICO commercial, using Google to find articles is so easy even a caveman can do it although maybe not some conservatives who are apparently so impressed that I can do it so easily that they think I'm using an AI app or that I may even be a bot.
You gave yourself away a long time ago, when you were replying to posts with 6 links less than 4 minutes after your previous post which had several links. Even if you were haphazardly posting links without reading through the articles, nobody does that in multiples in succession 3 to 4 minutes apart. It's too easy to procure a bot that will scan threads for keywords and google several links to support the direct opposite idea, type up a quick post and hit send.
Referring to it as a victimhood hierarchy, not including individuals with disabilities, items 3 & 4, and the numeric system itself.