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The Future of the United States and Western Society

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by cflgator83, Jun 19, 2023.

  1. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    Fair warning: This is going to be a long post.

    This is not going to be a purely political or partisan topic. But more of a general topic of the mindset of how a Conservative sees the world and where we are going. I know for many of the board libs on here nothing will change your mind about how you see us, but for some who have open minds maybe I'll provide a new perspective.

    I'll flat out say I am planning on this being my final thread on here for awhile. Perhaps forever but at least for awhile. This board has shown me the depth of our problems as a society.

    In some ways I'll give you all a victory. I'll admit defeat and admit I just don't care anymore. Up until 100 years ago what is happening at the southern border would've been considered nothing else but an invasion and would've been treated like an invasion, with proper military force to repel the invasion. Now the border is open and the invasion is greeted with open arms. As the U.S. no longer has a border I would argue the U.S. is no longer a legitimate country, simply an economic zone. I will refer to this U.S. in this term for my post.

    But to get to the point, I just don't care anymore. About this economic zone, this society or people in general. The economic zone formerly known as the U.S. is the Roman Empire and will fall just like the Roman Empire did. It's inevitable in my view.

    I look around and I see a society that not only doesn't care about forgotten people like me, but actively hates us. As a Conservative straight white male I am hated in this economic zone. Heck I'm not even that religious but if I was religious I would be hated that much more. I was looking at YouTube videos yesterday and stumbled upon an old 60's TV show that I've watched a few episode of. The biggest thing I noticed? The wholesome family image that largely doesn't consist in this economic zone anymore and the fact that straight white males were actually respected and valued. Now in TV shows, the straight white male is either the comic relief, the stupid idiot dad character (think Simpsons or Family Guy) that we laugh at or the evil villain that we utterly hate. But never in a position of respect or value.

    Many liberals wish that straight white men like me didn't even exist. Many of us Conservatives see that it's only white countries where diversity (aka bring in more minorities) is demanded. I never see any demand that Japan or China bring in more non-Asians. I never see any demand that Brazil or Argentina bring in more non-Hispanics. I never see any demand that Morocco, Egypt or Israel bring in more non-Middle Easterners. And I sure as heck never see any demand that an African or Caribbean country (Jamaica, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands) bring in more non-Blacks. Why is it that white countries are the only ones expected to diversify?

    Many of you liberals have asked how Conservatives could support Donald Trump. Simple, for all his flaws, Trump actually fought for us. He actually cared about us. Donald Trump was the one many who I thought could possibly turn it around. But the establishment and Washington elite made sure that didn't happen and it crushed my hopes of things ever truly getting better long term. You all tell me not vote for Trump. So who should I vote for? DeSantis, who is bought and paid for by Bushes and people like Murdock? Controlled opposition, nothing more. Biden, who just said people like me are the greatest threat to national security? Biden would have me eliminated if he could. Newsome, who wants all whites to pay for crimes they didn't commit? Absolutely no way. I will never accept that I should have to pay the price for a crime I never committed. The reality is no one in the Washington elite cares about any of us. Trump actually did care. And that is why the Washington elite will fight so hard to destroy him.

    What you all don't understand is that Donal Trump was just the figure. The figure who actually would fight for things like a secured border, capitalistic policies while also protecting the U.S. from predatory companies from China, school choice and a demand that we try our best to live in a post racial society. Where we have equality, not equity.

    Many of you on here claim to be against discrimination. I call BS on that. Many on here, whether they know it or not, are completely okay with discrimination. The only thing is they have been able to change who it's okay to discriminate against. And that is whites and to a lesser (but no less significant) extent Asians. I fear where that discrimination will go. Reeducation camps? Restrictions on freedom of movement? Eventual elimination? We've all seen this story before. It's already happening in South Africa with white farmers losing their land and whites being systemically eliminated but yet we do nothing because it's okay. It's okay because it's whites being systemically eliminated and not another race. We see Asians being denied educational opportunities in this economic zone. It's okay because it's Asians. If it was the other way around you all would be losing your minds.

    Many of you here say Conservatives are driven by anger and fear. Yes we are driven by anger and fear, but not due to truly hating others but because of what others plan to do to us. As a Conservative yes I do fear being replaced. I fear seeing the culture I grew up being replaced. I worry about silly thing such as:
    - Soccer replacing Football
    - Machaca's, Taco's and Burrito's replacing Hot Dogs, Mashed Potatoes and Apple Pie.
    - Day of the Dead replacing Halloween

    But I care about far more consequential things such as:
    - Spanish replacing English by the majority of the economic zone to the point where I am a foreigner in my own former country.
    - Spanish influences on things like religion and politics.
    - Whites become a permanent minority and underclass.

    For all the trashing of whites, modern day whites are the only race in human history to put the needs of other races above their own. When whites are no longer the majority Hispanics and Blacks will not do the same. I worry about us being second class citizens. I worry about us being the ones who will be discriminated against. I worry about us being the ones who will be put into camps. I worry about us being the ones who will ultimately be eliminated through genocide and beyond that just been breeded out.

    But again, I just don't care anymore. Nothing will ever change and this economic zone will continue to collapse. If anything the collapse will accelerate with time. Someone like Biden hates whites and most liberals hate whites but yet whites are the ones who are expected to join the military and give their lives for an economic zone that hates them. I hope that white males refuse to join the military in droves. Patriotism, it's so dumb now. Patriotism for what?

    It's ironic that Conservatives and whites and hated in this economic zone, but are still expected to contribute and go into work every day. Maybe I should beat you liberals at your own game, quit my job and just go on the government dole. Wouldn't that be ironic?

    I feel truly stateless and truly unrepresented. I am no longer faithful to the economic zone formerly known as the U.S. Part of me genuinely hopes the whole thing fails and collapses. I have no kids so it wouldn't impact them if the whole thing crumbles. I have no real investment in it anyway.

    It would be ironic if all those Hispanics who have moved here turn the U.S. into the same sh*thole country that they were desperately trying to escape. That they turn the U.S. into an economic zone no better than Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras or Nicarauga. That's the route it's going.

    Whether you all like it or not, diversity is not a strength once it goes past a certain level. What is one thing that everything in the U.S. shares? One belief? One cultural norm? One unifying trait? The answer is nothing. A white man in the U.S. has more in common with a white man in Australia than a black man in the U.S.. An Asian woman with heritage from Japan has more in common with a Japanese woman than a Hispanic woman in the U.S. A Hispanic man from Venezuela has more in common with a woman from Venezuela than they do a white woman in the U.S. When there is no shared culture, no homogeneity, nothing that binds a country together, it is no longer a country, and failure and collapse are assured.

    It all feels very hopeless and that is the life of a lot of Conservatives. The treatment of Trump and his followers shows the path that the treatment of Conservatives and eventually whites will take in this country.

    Again Trump was just the figure. When I would go to Trump rallies I would feel at ease, knowing that I had finally found my people. These are the people who I understood and who understood me. Of course it didn't help that I'm 39 (of course at that point back in 2015/2016 I was 32/33) and most of the other supporters were in their 50s at the least. That told me all I needed to know, that God had made a mistake and that I was born in the wrong time. I should've been born in the boomer generation. Sure I would be older now but I would've been in a generation that my mind could understand and comprehend. I don't understand, comprehend or like the world we are in now.

    I am in a world that rejects me. But even worse than that, I know I am in a world that no longer needs me or wants me. That is the life of a straight white conservative man in today's U.S. There is no place for me in this world so I just don't care anymore. But I'll make sure to grab some popcorn and enjoy myself when the whole place starts to burn.

    In a way it is freeing. This economic zone is on an irreversible path and nothing can be done to save it. Politics, policy, people, community, none of it truly matter anymore. Knowing that it can't be saved, the only joy now is truly to embrace the coming anarchy and chaos and that is what I will do. Farewell for now, Gator Country.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    • Funny x 3
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  2. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    I quit reading this nonsense about halfway in. It started with a truly ignorant thing about immigration. We are a nation of immigrants who allowed everyone in. Millions of people passed through Ellis island. The only difference is the way of entry and that the Mexicans are a little darker than the norm. Idiots have always claimed that immigrants don’t assimilate. They do. My father went to a German school in Wisconsin. Assimilation happens it doesn’t happen overnight.
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  3. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  4. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    Disagree. With Ellis Island you didn't have immigrants trying to bypass law enforcement and customs.

    And I knew this argument would come up. If millions and millions of whites from Europe were coming to the U.S. I would consider that an invasion as well. You can still welcome immigration while having immigration laws and not just opening up the border to be a free for all. And you can still welcome immigration while still doing reasonable things like declaring a limit on immigration in a given year (say 200,000 immigrants a year).

    But read the rest of my post. I think you will find the rest of the post enlightening/interesting. Honestly the immigration part was the weakest part of the post.
    • Dislike Dislike x 2
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  5. ursidman

    ursidman VIP Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    Bug Tussle NC
    Man hates America, society, masses of people complains he feels all alone.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    Libbies mock and dismiss the man.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    This sounds pretty awesome actually (though untrue, but maybe Sonoran hot dogs are too scary for you too)
  8. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Bitter cranks should be dismissed, not indulged. If he wants to be indulged he should seek out like minded Nazi types
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
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  9. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    Well, two wongs don't make a white. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  10. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    I don't expect you to really care about me. I get it, people like me aren't needed anymore. Honestly you should tell the government I need government support since I'm not needed anymore.

    I do feel like God made a mistake with me and that I was born in the wrong generation. Heck even music wise I love 70's and 80's music. I should've been born probably in the middle to late 1950's. That way I could retire, check out and not care what happens while I live a nice secluded lifestyle.

    Let me ask you this. The Company I work for required me to attend a session regarding LGBTQ last week. We even had to pick a zoom background with a favorite/inspiring LGBTQ person, idea or character. I don't have one so I just put on a standard LGBTQ rainbow background and yet I was chided for it. Now can you imagine if the situation was reversed? Can you say I would be taken to HR/Compliance and probably let go that day? And yet this is stuff that Conservatives have to deal with.

    Heck one of my leaders, after thanking them for helping me on a project, put a GIF in our teams chat saying "I got your back" with a picture of Biden. Can you imagine if I had sent her a GIF saying "I got your back" with a picture of Trump?

    I understand I'm largely alone. Most people my age are either moderate Democrats or hard core leftists. It's part of the reason I've given up on dating for the most part.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. ajoseph

    ajoseph Premium Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Your post, broken down to its base, shouts anger because the country does not fit within your snapshot of a Norman Rockwell painting that you’ve convinced yourself is “Forever America.”

    But that was just a painting and your view of our society is a closeted view that has no grounding in reality.

    EVERYTHING EVOLVES. It is inevitable. Diets change, fashion changes, demographics change, the world changes. This is true for the life of our country, and for all of civilization.

    You can eat what you want, you can play whatever sport you like, you can read what you like, but you can’t stop others from evolving.

    That is life.

    You can hide from evolution, or evolve with evolution. But the World, and our Country, will change, without without your participation, and no matter how strongly you protest.

    Because that is life.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Best Post Ever Best Post Ever x 2
  12. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Giving the OP credit he does represent the line of nativism in American that extends back over two centuries. Throughout most of the 19th Century the nativism focused on the destruction of American culture by Irish immigrants, later it was the Chinese, Eastern and Southern Europeans in late 19th and early 20th Century and now it's focused primarily but not limited to immigrants from Latin American countries. Giving Trump credit where credit is due he is a master manipulator. Although the Orange One doesn't have an empathetic bone in his body he has been able to create the illusion that he cares about white working class Americans when the only thing he really cares about them is how they can give him the adoration that he craves and he, a supposed billionaire, can con them into donating their hard earned dollars to him.

    Some example of historic nativism through cartoons.

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    I don’t see it that way. You’re a smart dude, but you lack accurate empathy.
    This guy is not bitter, he’s feeling other emotions.
    You never know what others have going on in their lives and you shouldn’t be so hasty to dismiss.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    Yep so because I'm not ashamed to be white and think whites should have at least a few countries of their own I'm a Nazi?

    What do you say about African countries that are overwhelmingly if not entirely black? Why aren't they trying to diversify?

    What do you say about Asian countries (Japan, China, South Korea, Philippines) that are overwhelmingly if not entire Asian? Why aren't they trying to diversify?

    What about Hispanic countries (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica) that are overwhelmingly if not entirely Hispanic? Why aren't they trying to diversify?

    What about middle Eastern countries (Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar) that are overwhelming if not entirely Arab? Why aren't they trying to diversify?

    Why is it only white countries that are demanded to diversify in your eyes? Does that not strike suspicion in you that there might be an ulterior motive there?
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 3
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  15. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    Will someone start a gofundme to buy this dude a one way ticket to Poland? I got $20 on it.
    • Like Like x 4
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  16. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    So you say Trump doesn't care about white working class Americans. Then tell me who does? Sure as heck isn't Biden. He would lock us up if he could since we're such a "threat".

    Even if Trump was pretending at least he was pretending. The others don't even try to pretend.
  17. mikemcd810

    mikemcd810 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Why won't anyone stand up for the disenfranchised white male? Stop blamimg others for whatever problems you may have when you've had the maximum possible advantage.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  18. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    "If millions and millions of whites from Europe were coming to the U.S. I would consider that an invasion as well."

    I highly doubt that.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. cflgator83

    cflgator83 All American

    Jun 26, 2022
    And you would be 100% wrong. You think I'm so wrong, tell me how you think I should change. It's my last thread here for at least awhile, possibly forever. Don't hold back.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  20. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    Happy Juneteenth Orlandogator!

    Hope you have a great day not getting laid.
    • Funny Funny x 6