Jesus, guys. You just trying to come up with the most ridiculous stuff you can just to get a reaction?
You obviously do NOT read much REAL NEWS in the world, or in the U.S.A., do you? Here's a hint, the MSM will NEVER post those stories from all across the country on their rags. Open you eyes to what is really going on with these people.
Protesting . . . OK. Blocking entrance . . . Not OK. I'm sure many fans just wanted to watch a baseball game. Would DeSantis' antiprotest law punish people for blocking the main entrance to an event?
I'm sorry but we went through a couple of years of people blocking entrances of things over a fentanyl addicted thug.
Obama was against the legalization of gay marriage as were most Americans at the time, he wasn't against gays. There is a difference but I know from you're posting history that you do not think that distinctions really matter when you're trying to make a point.
They shouldn't receive honors at Dodger Stadium, that's for sure. I'm not a fan of doxxing, pressuring sponsors to drop, pressuring whoever their boss is to fire them, etc. These rules, however, do not apply to people who openly support such tactics (not saying these people do). More importantly, there's quite a lot of breathing room between "celebrating someone" and "cancelling them."
Step 1: Brand anyone who disagrees with you that you don't like as "intolerant Nazis." Step 2: Make public display of values you disagree with taboo. Step 3: Mock the values you disagree with in the most obscene and disrespectful manner and characterize it as "mocking intolerance." The result: "Normal" in America is replaced by this anti-religious secular orthodoxy where consent and victimhood are the only values that matter, which are terms defined and determined by our cultural elites. And people who don't subscribe to this anti-religious secular orthodoxy should be shunned.
That's been a long-term process. If you haven't heard people use terms like "Christian Taliban" then you've been living under a rock.
I don't expect that. Just wondering if DeSantis' anti-protest law would apply to rightwingers blocking access to a baseball game here in Florida.
Ironic you make accusations others claim “victimhood” but then in the exact post you play the victim card , also other posts in this thread.
I said victimhood and consent are the only values that matter under the new orthodoxy as defined by our cultural elites. You're grasping at straws. I never said no appeal to victimhood is ever justified. Sometimes people are a victim and therefore deserve justice, fair treatment, change, or some combination of the three. I just don't think victimhood is necessarily a sign of virtue nor should it be treated by our culture as this social capital.