Seems it’s not going swimmingly. Do I guess the solution is more taxes to cut the wait times? Patients left to wait by Britain's public health service turn to crowdfunding | CNN
I mean, I pay 1300 a month for healthcare for my family and then when I actually use it I pay even more. Also sounds pretty dumb.
Yes and no. It provided healthcare to people who needed it, but shifted the costs to the middle class
Much better having nameless, faceless actuaries from giant insurance companies flat out denying you care or medication or procedures to ensure they meet their shareholder demands. That is much, much better.
BO, I had insurance through work and had my wife and kid insured with UHC for less than 200 a month...hosed me bigtime.
It’s a complicated issue in the UK. ACA was to be ‘replaced’ here by the last Pres but of course nothing happened UK has a monarchy and different healthcare system. Need to read a bunch before posting more
Same. Won't get an argument from me. Said for years we need to go full free market (which means we accept a large portion has no coverage) or full govt options for all. This middle roading just screws the middle class.
That is not a healthcare issue, it is an insurance issue. Obamacare is single-handedly the stupidest “solution” to a real problem ever put forth by Washington.
There is no such thing as “free”. Britain has fully nationalized healthcare, funded by taxpayers, where every healthcare employee is on the govt payroll, so they went all the way with it. As a wise man once said, you never go full re%^*d. The article mentions they screwed themselves with govt “austerity measures”, the article also neglects to mention Brexit put up roadblocks making it more difficult to import doctors or even causing foreign doctors to pack up and leave, so two major hits to the supply side of their govt run system which were caused by dumb policy choices. Even in an inherently inefficient govt run system it should be obvious you don’t want to do things which choke off supply of healthcare (unless your motive is to sabotage it). You would want to do everything possible to increase supply. In a market system restricting supply results in higher prices and inflation, in a non-market system or where demand is inelastic - you get shortages (in healthcare these shortages are expressed as waiting lists).
I mean, sure I guess. But healthcare and health insurance are basically one in the same in this country, unless you're extremely poor or extremely rich.
Obamacare caused our insurance costs to skyrocket with dramatically depreciated benefits. It has been awful. However, I really think the entire purpose of Obamacare was to teach the government how to serve as an insurer. It’s time for our government representatives to put their heads together, and find solutions. With the costs we are paying now, for crappy benefits, I’d rather pay the government to prove a single-payer universal coverage.
We need to go more free market. Not full free market. What we do not need is full government or a quasi fascist model like we have and continue to grow.
I think it was more they wanted to grow the fascism in healthcare here. Just look at Medicare. What advantage plan do you want to buy…
I’m not into the labels. I’d prefer solutions. I’d like it if my staff doesn’t feel fear because they cannot afford to have a baby, even with the excellent insurance we provide for them. Health care is such a fundamental, if it THE MOST, fundamental need that every person has. Why isn’t the arguably wealthiest, most advanced country in the world unable to provide fundamental care for its citizens, when most of the world is able to so provide?
Let’s take away the ACA, Medicare, and Medicaid from red states that have fought against it and see how they fare. It’s easy to bitch about things you use until you have to give them up.