DeSantis isn't targeting drag shows. He wants to pull a liquor license from a hotel. Drag shows are/were not impacted in any way. He warned the hotel ahead of time their liquor license would be pulled. The show in question held at the Miami Hyatt was a drag show that had to update its advertisement from "all ages welcome" to "children must be accompanied by an adult." Essentially going from a G rating to an R rating, which validated the governor's concerns about the Hyatt presenting this show. Obviously, the Hyatt is a high-traffic venue. If he was doing this to all venues who host drag shows, then you might have something. A liquor license is not a right. You're probably one who heaps on conservatives for imaginary issues too, aren't you? This is about as imaginary as it gets. It's not up to the Catholic church whether we have equal rights under the law. It doesn't matter what they would or wouldn't do. There are a lot of groups who would strip my rights, but they still have a right to free speech and as long as they don't have that power, my rights are not in question. Thought policing is about as un-American as it gets.
It's a serious issue amounting to an assault on our culture that runs in the face of biology, science, and decency, and even brushes dangerously close to straight up criminality. ...and THAT is characterized as our side, attacking them. Attacking them, would be us, going into their domain--Bourbon street, Miami Beach, Vegas, 'Frisco, and whatever other Sin City red light district they contaminate, and shutting them down. They want to keep attracting lost souls to their heathen strongholds, and victimize grown prey--have at it. No one's trying to stop that. But keep their fishing poles and their marketing apparatus the hell out of our schools. That is us, DEFENDING our turf--not attacking theirs.
There is a vast amount of disaffected people out there...middle class, from all races, creeds and backgrounds. They are looking for leadership. Who's it going to be? Donald Trump? Or can we do better? Is DeSantis that person? I don't know. But people are looking, that's for damn sure.
Agree--we can do better. Unfortunately, I'm not sure who that might be. We didn't know who it would be until right around this time in '15. Hopefully someone else steps up in the next couple of months.
Weird I would think that a rational person would think that maybe they were wrong but to each their own
Same-sex marriage would be illegal in 25 to 32 states if the Supreme Court overturned Obergefell - Poynter You don't seem to be very up to date on what's been happening to LGTBQ rights as of late. ANd what does Victor Orban...the CPAC's guest speaker think of the gays? Desantis wants to model America after Hungary. He's said as much. Gays are not safe under Republican rule.
They don't hate... they blame you... and they cry racism/homophobia against you for not giving up your way of life to embrace theirs.
It was only a couple minutes ago when Obama was against gays. Pipe it down bud. Not everyone hates the gays, trans. But we aren’t going to trip over ourselves to act like self righteous pompous libbies either.
Exactly... I mean what could go wrong with liquored up tyrannys in a room full of children. This is nothing new. If a place of business (a bar) serves liquor then you have to be 21 to even set foot in that establishment. Now they might have tried to call it a restaurant and use that license to get by the 21 year age minimum... and that might have been their argument.
I agree, but many of them just want to get into woman's showers too. Either way it's a disorder level effort on their part.