Loading up on the defensive line. Another DL we beat out Georgia for. Right out of their back yard! Go Gators!
Imagine working hard to recruit players like this all the while your own fanbase is incessantly bashing your efforts. TOS forum is an absolute cesspool of negative creeps. Unfortunately it seems like they have higher traffic due to their recruiting coverage. Imagine 100 zillas starting multiple threads disparaging coaches and recruits....
Only as good as the company you keep. I can't be around people like that long or I start to feel dirty.
Me neither. It's why I rarely watch a Gators game at a bar or public spot. Idiots start cussing at players and coaches the first series and it gets worse. Even when leading.
Kind of impressive for a 300 pounder. Kudos to Napiers scouting army for again identifying this talent early before competition and while recruiting services gave the unknown an obligatory 3 star placeholder