Oh give me a break. They're protesting the fact that groups like the Catholic church make it their mission to marginalize and ensure groups like drag queens and trans don't have the same rights as others.
Do we really need to go through the whole song and dance about the fight for gay marriage, equal rights, and states like Florida targeting drag shows? We already have a dozen threads like that. The Dodgers compromised by "honoring" them an hour before the game when all of 500 fans are in the stadium and people still lost their minds.
Gay marriage has been legal everywhere for years. Equal rights? Again, same question. What rights do I have that drags and trans don't have? Drags can't have shows in Florida now? Funny, I just googled "Florida upcoming drag shows" and there are literally hundreds posted happening within the next month all over the state. Again, what rights do I have that drags and trans don't have?
So if I understand correctly, your position is this is a hate group, who hates the innocent catholic church for no reason whatsoever since the catholic church has no issues with the LGBTQ community and treats them the same as anyone else?
Ok, to answer your question, I should have said equal treatment rather than equal rights. They may have mostly equal treatment under the law except for where you have people like Desantis targeting drag shows. Relevant to this specific situation though, the LGBTQ community would not have equal rights under the law if it were up to the catholic church which is why this group protests in the manner that they do.
Go drink another modelo because bud light had the audacity to partner with one trans influencer and tell me again about who are the drama queens.
Note to GatorJMDZ I'm not posting this to keep a thread going. I don't drink but if I did and Bud Light were my preferred brand I wouldn't change for protest reasons......after all I love Cracker Jacks and I still bought them when they replaced the Sailor with Cracker Jill. I do think it is silly for them to keep changing the name though, you buy them in one store and they are Cracker Jacks you buy them in another store and they are Cracker Jills...Pick one name and leave it alone for Christs sake.
So basically, we've got a group of guys doing politically incorrect humor. What do you think, should we cancel them?
They consider anything that doesn't amount to bowing down and worshipping before the altar of transgender divinity to be "attacks on LG...XYZ" Like with Florida's law prohibiting the teaching of sexual fluidity (and to disregard children's parents' authority over their own children), to CHILDREN--from K-3rd grade-now raised to 8th grade. IOW, defending parents' rights to protect against flaming Leftist indoctrination aimed at their children, in the schools they largely fund (via tax $$$), targeting future prospects... ...is characterized as an 'attack'. Oh, the horrah! *Attacking* aspiring pedophiles' fundamental right to seek to victimize other parents' children!!! = *DON'T SAY GAY*
You think this: Rights in U.S. State Legislatures (posted by @middleoftheroadgator) Is the GOP being dramatic???
LOL. Did I say that? Are you really gonna pretend that this isn’t THE issue for righties to get butthurt about? Cmon man.