12ft | Liz Warren Donor Arrested for Dog Sex • Themis Matsoukas, 64, was caught on tape—naked from the waist down except for shoes and socks—performing bestiality with his collie in Rothrock State Forest in Pennsylvania. • "I do it to blow off steam," the chemical engineering professor reportedly told park rangers earlier this month during a search of his home. • The alleged pervert was charged with "open lewdness, indecent exposure, and sexual intercourse with an animal, misdemeanors, and summary charges of cruelty to animals and disorderly conduct," according to the New York Post. By the numbers: Matsoukas donated at least $331 to Warren's presidential campaign between 2019 and 2020. He also donated to Hillary Clinton's and John Kerry's presidential campaigns in 2016 and 2004, respectively. He has donated more than $1,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, and $0 to Republicans. What the hell is wrong with people these days, wow
From the Grand Ol’ Pedos… Lane Rees, Florida Republican Committeeman, Arrested ... Miami New Times Miami New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Miami, Florida› news › lane-rees-fl... Mar 21, 2023 — Rees, who is 61, was arrested yesterday on charges of possession and transmission of child pornography. Authorities were tipped of in February ... GOP lawmaker resigns following child porn arrest The American Independent Homepage › mike-folmer-penns... Pennsylvania state Sen. Mike Folmer, a Republican, resigned Wednesday after being arrested for child pornography possession. Ex-RNC staffer gets more than 12 years in prison in child ... Politico Politics, Policy, Political News - POLITICO › news › 2022/04/08 › rnc-s... Apr 8, 2022 — In November 2020, a Trump appointee at the Commerce Department, Adam Hageman, was arrested on charges he shared a child pornography video and ... Eric Lipman Charged with Child Porn Possession Law & Crime Law & Crime - Law and Crime News › high-profile › top-attorney-... Deputies with the Leon County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) on Wednesday arrested the general counsel for the Florida Elections Commission on charges that he ... Penobscot official charged with child porn, asked to resign AP News Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today › article Aug 5, 2021 — John Hiatt, who's also a member of the Republican State Committee, was already charged for allegedly stalking and harassing woman through texts
Only on this board would someone seek out a $331 donation as evidence of something. Just weird. As for the guy, prison is fine with me.
Partisan stuff aside, "I do it to blow off steam" is a really casual response to getting caught. Not sure what I was expecting. Maybe like "What?! I don't remember that?! I must have had some psychotic episode." Just, well, it helps me wind down after a tough day.
How is this political exactly. I saw this on the blue bird earlier. Guy asked the police to kill him. Sicko.
Look people, we've lost focus, we have to get back to the dog sex otherwise the mods will shut it down
Fair point, mostly blue color types who cash their paychecks disability, or SS checks. Better said $331 is a lot of money to some of our posters.
This idiot is a sick individual but unfortunately both parties have their share of perverts. Not sure why anyone would pat something like this but it will definitely not be the last time.