Those two and some others may be serious about it but I wonder where the other Republicans are on this. We saw with both Clinton and Trump how things can move in the House when members are very serious about impeachment. The House Republicans don't seem to want to pull the trigger for some reason. Maybe they're waiting until closer to the election, but that would undermine the claim that he's a current and ongoing threat to our national security.
I'm sure dummies like those two and a handful of others are serious, but I'd imagine most sane Republicans realize there is no merit to this and it would make them look foolish to 70% of the country to pursue. Clinton and Trump both had actual evidence that lead to impeachment proceedings. These dummies have bluster.
I think some have spent so much time and energy defending Trump over the last 8 years that the threats against the other side make them feel good, as if they're getting even - like it's enraging to us or ruining our day. If Biden did all this, I'd actually like to see the evidence. It's not like I have a bunch of Biden merch on my car and house or that my personal identity is tied to him in some way. I think some of these folks must assume all Democrats feel the same way about Biden as they feel about Trump.
I would note that his predecessor frequently snapped at reporters at his press conferences and on more than one occasion went so far as to ban reporters that he happen to dislike. By the way the examples below are not redundant. The first took place in 2018, the second in 2017 and the third in 2019. CNN journalist Jim Acosta banned from White House after Trump calls him 'rude, terrible person' Trump press ban: BBC, CNN and Guardian denied access to briefing [Trump] White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists
That got me to thinking. I wonder if any black guys have a shirt that says "I'm His African American." Might be some money in that. Or maybe not. Another apparel idea is a DL hat for DeSantis supporters. "Destroy Leftism."
Even when it's a left-leaning journalist, he talks to them like dogs and scoffs at them, while looking extremely guilty. A journalist just doing his job, asking perfectly legitimate questions, who will almost inevitably vote for Biden. Still gets the dismissive "you're an idiot" treatment.
The libbies are all very similar in personality. Don’t dare question their knowledge. If you do you’re an idiot. It really an awful way to treat people.
I also noticed when Joe scolded him with "you know" as in "you know not to question the politburo." It had a threatening tone.
You are just upset because he is a tough effective president who doesn’t suffer fools. Got his agenda passed very quickly. Kicking Russia’s ass without committing ground troops. Supply side inflation going down while the economy booms. All while tolerant of people who the right wingers hate so much.
Because it is a stupid question. Why don’t you tell us why? Tell us what the informant said and what was corroborated by actual evidence of wrong doing. Biden snapping at the press? He has been doing that for 40 years.