Saw somewhere an “expert” in this type of study said Chinas population will hit 600k in the future. Pretty crazy if that comes true.
I expect nothing less from a worth political foe. I agree, but there is no way that nearly 40M abortions in the US alone over a two generation span hasn't had an impact. Extrapolate that to the kids they would be having today. It's a boatload of people. Likely 10% of the potential US population was never here.
What they haven't yet figured on is eventually Christians and Muslims will dominate our let the heathens have their time in the sun.
The only thing that would have done is slightly delay the trend.The trend in families is significantly fewer children due to a host of modernization and affluence factors. Anecdotally my two sets of grandparents had 7 and 9 children. The most kids my aunts and uncles on either side had was 4. In my family there are four of us siblings and the youngest is 36. There are only two total grandchildren from the four siblings and none of the above was affected by abortion. Hell, one of my cousins was secretly adopted by his aunt because she was a young unwed mother. It didn’t come to light until he was in his late 30s.
That's gonna be a heck of a party with the women all covered up, no booze or drugs, and only the most pure music.
Fewer teens are getting pregnant (which is a good thing). Many women (and men) care about their education and their careers and having kids later if at all. And having kids is obviously really expensive. It amazes me that median income Americans with multiple kids find a way to make things work. But I suppose most are living paycheck to paycheck.
What percent of those 40 million would have been poor, involved in crime, incarcerated or on government assistance? I think it is pretty safe to say it would be a much higher percent than the general population. There was a very strong correlation between roe vs Wade and the decrease of the crime rate in the following decades. You can never absolutely prove such a thing but it is among the most statistically significant explanations as to the long term decrease in crime starting in the early 90’s.
Abortions by women who never want kids or who want no more kids would factor into your argument. Abortions by women for health reasons would likely not factor (likely much higher mortality rate for these children). Abortions by women who are not ready to start a family and rape victims would also likely not factor. Many of these women would likely have elected to birth fewer children in their remaining life.
Seems like this might not be a terrible thing after all. What is the carrying capacity of the Earth after all?
It's just what the doctor ordered. Less demand for resources should equal less competition for resources, higher quality of life, improved mobility, lower crime, improved climate, water, air, ecosystems, etc. But we have to make significant changes to make this advantageous rather than calamitous. Meanwhile, everyone is ready to go to war over school kids reading a dirty word in a book while they have hi definition porn at their fingertips 24/7. So I'm not holding out hope.
That and birth control are part of the issue. Educated women is also a problem. The more educated women are the less children they have. So maybe we should stop educating women?