Has anyone done a study on whether murder rates are falling as fast as gun ownership and prevalence is growing ?
Unfortunately I believe the SCOTUS has said that is unconstitutional. The same reason you couldn't put a huge tax on printers ink to suppress the press from printing newspapers.
Most of the posters on this site consider me the most evil MAGA type conservative poster on the planet and I don't carry. I own just 2 guns a 12ga shotgun that I used to use quail hunting and an 1851 Navy colt that is unloaded and being a cap and ball revolver would take me 10 minutes to load if I needed. I just rely on my quick reflexes to keep me from being shot. (I run quite fast for an old man)
Progressive prosecutors are to blame. Oh, you said murder rates are falling? Progressive prosecutors get the credit, then.
I carry, have trained many on how to shoot, hunt and own many guns. I know many who carry… And this is not how any of them think or feel. Too many people paint with a broadbrush. You take the vast vast minority of gun owners, if CCW participants and paint them with the brush of the most obnoxious and stupid in that community. Again… should we do the same for all communities? Search out the most vile, obnoxious, dangerous, examples and paint the whole community as such. We have seen over and over that CCW helps save lives and yet this is the picture so often painted by those on the others side.
Most if not all of my Democratic friends do not conceal carry and none of us have witnessed any gun violence with the exception of my son who was accosted by a couple of attempted carjackers at gunpoint in a parking lot 15 years ago. They took his wallet and almost certainly would have stolen his car but for their apparent inability to drive a car with a manual transmission (a 2007 Honda Accord coupe).
By definition, we don't even know when someone is carrying concealed. I know several people who do so. The other guys who like to post up by kids' bus stops or go shopping outfitted like they're headed to war are a different and strange group.