Maybe all those Pubs in Oregon and Washington should just move if theyre not happy with state politics. . Idaho, Montana, .Texas, etc, etc. How about that solution. That's what the right tells Dems in Fla.
There is an ongoing joke on one podcast (Jon Lovett) that Dem Senate strategy should be raising money to persuade Brooklyn lesbian couples to relocate to Maine and Alaska. It would not take that many to turn both solidly blue
Maine still elected Susan Collins and Angus King caucuses with Dems but is technically Independent. Lovett was tongue in cheek - no one is funnier at political humor Lovett or Leave It is a live variety show and podcast that breaks down the week’s news in politics and pop culture with sketches, games, jokes that literally never miss, and everyone’s favorite: nuanced analysis. Join Jon Lovett and an all star line up of comedians, journalists, and other amazing guests live every Thursday night or in your podcast feed every Saturday morning. He is jokingly blamed for the Fall of the Republic, because he wrote most of the Trump jokes at the WH Correspondents Dinner that humiliated Trump and drove him to run (supposedly)
That darn Tilly is always making a mess of things. Let's assume 100% of the county votes (it doesn't), even if 90% of the county votes R, 10% of the county still votes D. I doubt those Ds want to live in Idaho. Moreover, if this is allowed, does that mean that Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa, Broward County, Gainesville, and Palm Beach County get to secede from Florida and join New York, Massachusetts, or California?
Seriously, though, that would be a brilliant strategy. Just pay a bunch of Democrats to move from New York and California to Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, and Montana. Suddenly, you have seven new Democratic Senators and a handful of D's in the House.
I agree. It was said jokingly but man we need to get some of that Soros money I always hear about but can never quite seem to figure out how to access and use it more intelligently
I'm trying hard to be Soros-funded Gator_Lawyer. No luck so far lol. And yes, it would be a great strategy if people were up for moving.
The federal government should have no power to interfere with a mutual agreement between two states other than in an arbitration role. Mutual is the key word.
Here is Article IV, Section 3 of the US Constitution: Section. 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. Would love some of the legal eagles around here to see if this fits this situation?
Idahoans would have to drive a lot farther for their weed. Idaho Residents Flood Oregon Border Town to Get Weed.
Washington has some relatively large metros in the eastern portion to moderate the rural block including the Spokane metro, the third largest in the state. There’s nothing similar in Oregon. Ontario is the largest similarly situated city and the entire county has about 32k people. Spokane county is well over a half million and the tri-cities metro over 300k.
Some good pts and I'm no expert, but think state border changes would have the fed involved. Agree that many don't want 1 city dictating the rules. IL has that w Chi and many other states do. In MN, many policies and procedures (shouldn't be discounted) are metro-centric, when there is a whole lotta other state out there. I can see how NY is similar, but even bigger in scope.