US has 4000 - 6000 BFV (diff estimates). We sent Ukraine the M2A2 variant. Our latest is the M2A4. And the US is replacing the Bradley “The service is set to move into the detailed design and prototyping phases of its competition to replace the 40-year-old Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. To advance one of its major modernization efforts, the Army anticipates awarding a contract around 2023” we also gave Ukraine Vietnam era M113 APCs, Industry readies for key US Army Bradley replacement decision
Dying for Joe Biden … Joe Biden created for the U.S. a war like no other, one where others die and the U.S. simply sits back and pays the bills on a gargantuan scale. No attempts are made at diplomacy by the Americans, and the diplomatic efforts of others like the Chinese are dismissed as evil attempts to gain influence in the area (similar to the dismissal of Chinese diplomatic work in the Yemen war.) Biden is coming close to achieving 1984’s end state of perpetual warfare, while only putting a handful of American lives at risk. He has learned lessons from the Cold War, and has already put them into play. Can we call it the Biden Doctrine yet?
Russia loses one of its best generals in a missile attack, according to pro-Kremlin bloggers. Russians Mourn ‘Best’ General as Ukraine Counteroffensive Gains Ground
Frankly, that’s like telling me that the Keystone Kops lost one of their best detectives. While I celebrate the loss of life of any Russian inside of Ukraine, part of me worries that if they kill the wrong general they might stumble into finding themselves a guy who can lead a donkey to the water.
sort of like the allies resistance to assasinate hitler, if he was gone the real generals would have been much harder to defeat
It's a psychological loss, at the very least. I tend to think that Russia's problem is their military doctrine: information has to come back from the front and be processed by the generals before orders are sent back to the front. Ukraine has been trained on western doctrine--troops are given freedom on how to achieve an objective, and can make many decisions for themselves. That's why so many Russian generals were killed early in the war. They had to get up close to the action so that decisions could be made quickly, and that put them in danger.
At least one of Russia's kills on a Ukrainian tank was actually a wooden tank made from boxes for 155mm artillery shells. Ukrainian soldier says he tricked Russia into wasting an exploding drone on what it thought was a tank — but was just a decoy made of wood
A Ukrainian mechanic discussing the M113. We gave Ukraine 300 of the Vietnam era APCs. “You can immediately see a completely different engineering school. The designers and constructors took care not only of the comfort of the crew and the landing party, but also that during repairs in the field it would not be necessary to disassemble half of the vehicle to get to the problem place.” compared to Soviet era APCs…. “I remember when we were on duty during training, we covered the gaps in the armored personnel carriers with “cannon grease” before crossing the water obstacle. There is no need to do this here. The entire structure is hermetic, without additional manipulations.”
Hooray! France does something somewhat useful with regard to the Ukraine War. They exposed a group of Russians spreading Russian propaganda on fake government web pages. Large-scale disinformation campaign about Russia’s war in Ukraine exposed in France
U.S. to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium shells that can go through Russian tanks like a hot knife through butter. Russian military bloggers are as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The US is sending depleted-uranium ammo to Ukraine capable of piercing Russian tank armour, report says
Oh, I was just making some well-deserved dark humor at Russia’s expense. I’m all for killing as many enemy generals as possible.
I have been thinking about this since watching a couple of WW2 documentaries. 1) The "fake" inflatable armored divisions Monty used at El Alamein. 2) The "fake" invasion of Calais with the fake inflatable armored divisions. Seems like Ukraine could use some of those inflatable decoys!
uftaipan - Question for you: What do you think are the most "lethal" weapons system in Ukraine? From what I hear from the Ukranian side it sounds like Russian artillery is the most lethal weapon used against them. I'm guessing Himars is the most lethal weapon system used by Ukraine against Russia. Or is infantry and light weapons against infantry and light weapons? I know Air Force's don't come into this equation, at least in terms of numbers. Neither side seems to be deploying air power in great strength. Thoughts?
Denazification means de-Americanization … Therefore, the denazification of Ukraine is, first of all, its de-Americanization. The denazification of Ukraine means the complete military defeat of all its institutions created by the United States for the war with Russia. There can be no denazification without the de-Americanization of Ukraine. No denazification is possible in that part of Ukraine that will remain under US rule. It was for the sake of growing Nazism that the United States came to Ukraine. Money is not their main goal. They will pay any price for the destruction of Russia. Russia is fighting in Ukraine primarily with the United States, which has turned Ukraine into a Nazi reserve. Freezing, cessation of hostilities under any pretext means the cessation of the denazification of Ukraine and the abandonment of the goals of the SMO. To solve the problem of Nazism in Ukraine, the United States must be expelled from there. If the de-Americanization of Ukraine is not brought to an end, Nazism in it will always seek to destroy Russia. Putin Invites Top Russian Correspondents For Candid War Q&A + SitRep Updates