I don't believe anywhere here do I see anyone wanting to treat anyone other than 100% equal. Just not more than equal!!!
If a US flag is the only thing standing between me and freezing to death because my car breaks down on a night in Montana in January, I'll thank it for its service in the morning.
Thev’ve been playing you with the same stuff since 2020. This is literally the same bs Giuliani has been peddling since 2020. It isn’t new. Same tape about “the big guy”. Let’s see the receipts please. Prediction: nothing comes out. Like the Kraken, consider the source (hint: the source is a liar). It’s actually embarrassing at this point.
Good that you think FL’s “don’t say gay” should be immediately struck down or repealed, since a law like that means they have to live in fear (very far from 100% equal). That the GOP should immediately stop all efforts to gin up anti-LGBTQ propaganda as “counter-programming” to pride month. If you were actually for civil rights and freedom, you’d let them have their celebration, because in a free country it literally does not affect you if you don’t partake. Same way “black history month” doesn’t affect you. Ditto for gay marriage. Govt should not be concerned with any moral sensibilities around the concept of marriage. It’s a legal contract. A contract between people. That is it. No more, no less.
I (and majority of left and right others) don’t care. Didn’t you see the proclamation? I have friends from both sides. Some are gay (on both sides). They just don’t care. I don’t have a single gay friend who thinks his or her civil rights have been violated. What’s interesting is that I get together with friends and family, I have never witnessed any conversation, EVER, that concerned where so-and-so puts his penis at night, or what so-and-so puts in her vagina. The words heterosexual, gay, trans or use of pronouns is never mentioned. We talk bout normal shit like farts, baseball, and the Karen down the road. It really appears as if the whole gay pride movement/protest is built upon a few loud hypochondriacs. Are there assholes out there that try to hurt/disparage gay people? Yes, but no more than any other groups. Stop focusing on the assholes. Just my 2 cents.
Fake news. Don’t say gay has nothing to do with gay. It regulates when all sexual content is appropriate to be taught to kids. By your logic we should remove statutory rape from the criminal code because it prevents gay sex between an adult and a child.
Stop. You were just being a [censor/insert:x= item for diposing used masengil] to make your point. At least own it, and spare us the bs apology. I mean, that's how everybody is in here. Why the stupid backpedal???
Your point is well taken. ...but I feel impelled to refer you to Clint Eastwood's Flags of our Fathers if you haven't seen it. Excellent movie, tells the story of the picture that monument is based on, and indight into the actual soldiers pictured (with a bonus perspective of the financial pressures that challenge every war). One of the best war pics of all time, imho. FWIW.
It's pathetic that you have to "know where to look." girls in bikinis! Meanwhile, one could open a thread of banana hammocks passing for chix, and it'd be deemed kosher and even righteous thses days.
Exactly how many house slaves did/do you have in order to come to this conclusion? I call BS on this.