Despite my not being a fan of Conor, I also agree with those who suspect it may have been a work and the injury faked entirely. Did look like the mascot fell kinda hard, but they could have had a special mascot in there for that matter. Even in works, the contact can be real. Kinda tough to tell here since some of the articles appear serious about the hospital visit and suggest the league confirmed it. But another article I saw references the Heat coach making a joke about it. Doubt he would do that if the person really got hurt. I'm leaning towards the work/heel angle for now.
I get that stuff can happen in wrestling, but those guys are at least somewhat perpared for a fake punch to go wrong. Swinging like that at a mascot is awful. That situation calls for a couple of gentle slaps and mascot goes down like soccer player who got nudged...
It all seems kinda staged to me to be honest. Faux controversy to drum up publicity. Do we know the name of the guy in the suit?
I guess assaulting the mascot wasn’t enough, later on he (allegedly) raped a woman. I guess that was staged too?