I heard about this but just saw the video, and it looks brutal. He was on court at heat game, advertising some shitty product, I guess. The Heat Mascot comes out with boxing gloves, boxer-dancing around him, in what was supposed to be a staged "skit", and McGregor appears to throw a full on a punch at him, and the mascot goes down hard. And then another punch while he's down. Sent the Mascot to the ER. Not sure what anyone was thinking, here, really. Even if it had gone as planned, how was "fighting" the Heat Mascot, in Miami, supposed to sell products? Seems like he could/should face charges over this.
I thought the same thing about the skit being in Miami. Why? And it did look like he hit the mascot pretty hard. Good fighters are able to pull their punches, so there's really no excuse for it if he hurt them. I don't know what came of it but recall the video of him apparently sucker punching an old guy in a pub. Never been a fan. Seems like a hot head and bully. Was happy when Khabib made him tap.
I googled him because I don't follow MMA, but I recognize the name, and he seems like a real a-hole. Lots of accusations against him. Again, makes the question why'd they even bring him out there.
If MacGregor really wanted to sell product he would have played with the mascot but let the mascot get in a shot and then go down himself, act hurt for the count. Crowd would have loved it and bought more over whatever he was peddling
You started a thread and are driving ppl to see this video, and look him and his his product up. His product is a spirit; his brand is MMA asshole. You're doing exactly what he calculated you would do, which is to increase his publicity, and help him move product. He is an asshole; he is also an astute successful business man.
Sounds nice...but that would never have left the basketball court nor the day. I'm quite certain he was banking on the vid going viral. ...and I wouldn't be surprised if the mascot was in on it, OTR, for a kick back on the back end. Seemed like the punches were to cushioned part of mascot headgear...but he went to ER.
He probably was thinking exactly that. That’s why he will be a broke ex-MMA fighter in a couple of years instead of a 9 figure businessman.
Au contraire. It's why he IS a has-been MMA fighter, but also skyrocketing as a businessman. He's also owner/coach of a MMA team. Get it? He gets other ppl to do the fighting, and he's on the business end of promoting those fights, promoting interest on his name--instead of getting in the octagon anymore, and working for his money. He's a lot of things....dumb ain't one of them.
Good lord folks, it was a joke. If you see more of the clip, you will see them drag off the "KOed" mascot by the feet. If he had really been hurt they wouldn't have done that. Silly really.
He’s always on the edge. Something like this did go wrong and he will probably take the stupidity to a higher level next time. His tactics normally do well short term but crash and burn him later. Hope I’m wrong. He may be an a-hole but he’s done some good things too
I guess this is what passes for halftime entertainment in Miami. A coked-out, washed up ex fighter running a goofy self-promotion bit.
As an avid childhood professional wrestling fan, I'm getting scripted vibes from this. Look at the people reacting to the punch and coming to assist Burnie. One guy is waiving a towel in Burnie's face trying to get him some air. It looks more like a bit out of a cartoon than a serious punch and a serious attempt to render medical aid. If the mascot went to the ER, what probably happened was that it was planned that Burnie takes a punch from McGregor but it wasn't supposed to harm him. Either McGregor was stiff and threw a bad fake punch (good real punch) or Burnie didn't know how to fake the hit or sell the punch. More than likely McGregor was an idiot and overdid it.
The fans booed McGregor the entire time he was on the floor. Did he accidentally catch the mascot wrong? Sure. But based on the reports. This almost feels like the media was paid to cover the story. The good news…I saw it covered on GMA this morning and I still don’t know the product he was trying to sell.
No where in the video does it say what he was selling, I really don't think 20 or people who will look at this are going to run out and buy whatever it is ...
I noticed that, guy waiving the towel looks like he's acting, but it was "scripted" to an extent, so maybe that's what they rehearsed. He apparently was supposed to fake punch him, and "knock him out", but it looks like he over did. The way he threw the punch and the Mascot went down didn't look like play fighting.
Yep, that would be your "stiff" punch. Where fake fighting accidentally (or not) turns into real fighting. Happens in pro wrestling more often than you'd think.