Does the White House flying the flag in this manner violate long standing Flag etiquette? It is not the center flag and is not flown higher than the pride flag.
Upon further review the US flag is atop that pole on the roof of the WH, as it should be. Nothing to see here unless you are triggered by a pride flag.
See @citygator. And there’s several other pictures that show it better — the US Flag is and was at all times centered and supreme.
Ok, they have one on top of the WH which is great!! Is the display on the front of the building any cause for concern in the lack of honor to the flag? If you read the etiquette link, I believe it states anytime it is displayed. You could draw the conclusion because it is on the top of WH they followed protocol, or you could conclude "ANYTIME" the flag be displayed to recognize the proper code of display. You have every right to feel how you want, please allow the rest of us to feel how we want also!!
I don't think anyone was claiming you don't have a right to feel how you want to feel. They were just explaining how they saw the facts. Feel away!
You have every right to feel that way and I respect your opinion even though I disagree, that is all normal "binary" people want. You do you and let me do me!!
Personally, I think flag etiquette is a pretty antiquated concept anyway. I get the symbolism, but to me it's all misplaced.
Good catch. I was never really down with this, but I guess I understood it. Now I'll never be able to look at one of these, and not think: Flag etiquette violation!