It's comical to use this special interest groups' wants and desires as some sort of Communist homosexual dictate that we all all have to follow and live by, or else... That forced a disorder way of life... it will will never pass the Constitutional muster... and never pass as the law of the land. Thank you for playing ... now we know who you are.
A communist dictate would come from the government, like the way that DeSantis operates. Having some private companies show support for alternative lifestyles is simply their exercising freedom of expression.
Corporations are people? I remember when the Supreme Court ruled that corporations have rights it was thought of as a ridiculous ruling. I see the wisdom in it now.
NASCOMMIE can go straight to Dude-fil-A with the ButtBud Light they got from the seasonal/pedo aisle in PatriotTarget.
Can someone tell me why some of the loudest right wing homophones are the ones getting caught in acts that go against what they denounce?
LGBTQ are an horrifically marginalized and oppressed demographic who are living in an unprecedented state of emergency in America -- and if you say otherwise, you might lose your job.
Most GOP’rs who are self aware loathe themselves for obvious reasons but they can’t broadcast those reasons to the world and are compelled to rail against their very nature albeit in secret.
I wasn't aware that anything was pronounced similar to much less identical to right wing. Can someone on the left explain why allodoxaphobia manifests as istophobia?
I’m probably a closet homosexual for posting this … Gay Pride Launches Economic Warfare On Catholic Father Of Five