An ex-Rhode Island Republican councilman found passed out in his car while holding a crack pipe has been busted again — this time on molestation charges involving a 12-year-old girl. Matthew Reilly resigned in disgrace from the Cranston City Council when cops discovered him last month lying back in his car seat — blacked out and mouth agape — after someone reported he was “literally choking.” On Thursday, Reilly was back in legal trouble from an arrest in North Kingston for alleged child molestation. Reilly was charged with first- and second-degree child molestation sexual assault, and enticement of a person under the age of 16, police said. The bust was the culmination of a month-long investigation sparked by a complaint filed by the legal guardian of a 12-year-old girl, according to the newspaper. RI Republican Matthew Reilly busted on drug charges accused of sex abuse How do these kinds of people ever win an election?
They say they support Trump? Really the idiots believe shit. Not saying every Republican is an idiot just those who supported trump and now are supporting Desantist. Really there can’t be anything resembling logic working here.
WOW!!! An ex-city councilman from Rhode Island broke some laws.......How many thousand councilmen are there in the US?
Considering how obsessed you righties are with Hunter Biden’s drug habits and libs being groomers, I thought you’d be interested in this guy’s crack and child molestor habits
He could run for Governor of Florida as a Dem, or Lt if Gullim runs again. It would be one hell of a party afterward.
Not sure why you chose to call so many people idiots in a thread about some random councilman, but OK.
One question for our friend @Orange_and_Bluke; rationally how can the original post in a thread be "off-topic"? Just asking.