Yes. I think both are MAGAs and both run on a platform of divisive policies. My goodness, DeSantis makes no secret that he wants to destroy liberals, which is a significant percentage of the population. HE IS WAGING A SELF-DESCRIBED WAR ON “WOKE”. How can that be anything other than divisive?!?!?!
I have many liberal work associates who are liberal and hate the whole crap. But anyone comparing the 2 as the same either is playing politics or hasn’t looked at what both have done.
One was President and the other is a governor. Their accomplishments are certainly not comparable. Their politics are, and DeSantis landers to the Trumpian base. At least as I see it.
DeSantis is at least as divisive as Trump and DeSantis has probably villainized liberals more than Trump has. It's just Trump has a bigger megaphone.
Their politics are very similar. Of course, DeSantis pays internet trolls to act like children on social media, while Trump does that himself.
Media reported what Udonis said. ‘please stop Florida-shaming us people. We’re not happy about what DeSantis is doing. Diversity and inclusion and taking the books away’
I wonder if DeSantis ran on abortion bans and destroying public education K through higher ed. Ron DeSantis' approval rating has collapsed
I mean, at least Anna Paulina Luna brings something to the table. Could be worse. Could have Jim Jordan.
We all are sick of it. I mean, the ones of us who aren’t racists and bigots and misogynists and fascists like RegeneRon.
Ah, so anyone who thinks UD is wrong is racist, bigot, misogynist or a fascist or a combo, right? It's amazing, must be all racists who are moving to Florida and leaving those very tolerant places like NY and CA LOL. What a joke.
You consider it deflection, I think it's a perfectly valid analogy or in case it went past you a governor who was a successful politician in his own state can be a very flawed candidate when he seeks the presidential nomination of his party and has to run in primaries in a many states.
We're not changing, and I just want everybody to be happy. I would love it if he stays, but I wouldn't want him to stay if he thinks it's so terrible here when we're not changing. You're using this thread as a way of telling people "oh, look at this Miami and UF legend who doesn't like DeSantis, his opinion should influence your opinion because he's very important to South Florida and the State of Florida." Dude's a famous athlete and he seems like a good guy. But his political opinion should be given about the same amount of weight as the next guy. My "there's the door" comment was my way of saying, "we're not changing and I want you to be happy." There's a long line of people eager to live in Florida. Even if UD is the second coming of Gandhi, we'll survive.
Another FACT for the ostriches to consider: if “all” Trump did was sit on the documents, they wouldn’t have indicted. He did something with them. Or had expressed intent to. All of you saying it’s just harassment, without having access to the indictment yet, and without knowing the evidence (those of us who watch and read real news know a lot of the evidence; those of you who live in a right wing propaganda bubble have no idea, because they don’t report the news that is negative about the QOP)…just wait until you see the charges and the evidence. A federal indictment is prima facie evidence (99.997% conviction rate), but do yourselves a favor and stop talking until you at least have some facts.
And sitting idly by will lead to essentially a permanent handover to the other side of the aisle. I respect the idealism from you. But you're so idealistic I think you're failing to see the big picture where one party can tip the scales of influence, power, and control to such a degree they can eventually win every election before it even starts, and even after any given election, the people running these policy-making agencies are so tethered to one political ideology, the country will continue to move in one political direction with no anchor regardless of the outcome of elections. Either the libertarian conservatives stick to their guns about how the government should ideally be run without being granted the same courtesy from the other side, and they set themselves up to always lose in the long run, or they fight fire with fire... and seize control back so that the system can't be exploited in such a manner anymore. I think who you trust to do that is a really fair question, and I know I'm biased... but it's an easy choice for me. Democrats have never shied away from a big picture centralization of power, whether it be through the federal government, the Presidency, administrative agencies, or the courts. Republicans at least pay lip service to things like "federalism," "separation of powers," and "elected officials should be the ones making policy decisions." Whether they actually believe that or not is subject to debate (I know I do), but at least they pretend to care about that. Democrats could care less about it. It's all power games through virtue-signaling. Everything they don't like should be banned or is unconstitutional and everything they do like should be mandated.