Jim Bakker or Jerry Falwell maybe. Falwell has a junior, who appears on fox and is almost as odious as his father. Jim Bakker had a son who was street preaching to the homeless in Atlanta a long time ago.
They are just waiting on the will. Disgusting how men like him can solicit donations from poor people who don't have it to give, while they pad their bank accounts. Mormon church is one of the worst about that
Kenneth Copeland is a movie villain. Cannot comprehend how people support this guy. A loathsome human being. 3:15 mark for a particularly cringey moment
Pat Robertson may be gone but tragically his legacy lives on. Along with Jerry Falwell, Sr. and Ralph Reed he is largely responsible for transforming the Republican Party from a small government party to the party of theocratic authoritarianism.
As the son of a man who has devoted his life to Christian Ministry and has given away entire paychecks to those in need, who walked away from lucrative offers, and has lived the humblest life you could ask, I find these guys to be deplorable. Yes Robertson founded some really important charities, but he died with a net worth of $100M. Jesus fed 5000 with just a few loves and fish, my guess is $100M could probably feed a few folks. These guys will be really surprised when the servant ministers like my dad walk right past them to the head of the table someday. (Thats assuming they even get invited to the table.)
Indeed, these Evango Crooks are indeed loathsome - Crefalo Dollar, Copeland, Joel Osteen and the list goes on and on. Hey if people want to give money to lairs and shysters let them knock themselves out.
The ONLY table those you speak of will be eating at will have beelzeebub at the head of the table. Tilly - I have been lucky enough to see (REAL) believers / ministers. Those NOT corrupted by power, wealth, and fame. And it's humbling. Like so much of our society those that DO walk a straight path are being overshadowed by persons wanting to exploit rather than serve. It's a bitter pill to swallow.
I'm a friend of a friend of Bakker's son Jay. Dude was MESSED up. Not because of the faith, but because of his parents twisting of it and the unrelenting public eye. He still deeply loves his dad, as he should... and loved his mom dearly, but will tell you that crazy life ruined him for decades.
It's tough to be a child of a famous parent, in any endeavor. We see many, many stories of these children having difficult lives or often ending lives prematurely. Sometimes, it makes me glad I'm a nobody!
Jay Baker started a church in a bar. That ticked everyone off. Kind of like Jesus did when He challenged religious establishment that was not based on His teachings.
I’m an agnostic atheist, but Copeland makes me second guess myself sometimes. If there is an actual Devil, I’m pretty sure Copeland is him in human form. The guy is absolutely insane. There is a guy on YouTube that does excellent remixes of his “sermons” with metal music, it’s absolutely fantastic.
Several years ago there was a reality series about Jay Bakker. Although he has received virtually no publicity compared with his father and the other high profile televangelists like Robertson, Falwell and Osteen he probably epitomizes the teachings of Jesus much more so than any of them.
It'd be one thing if Robertson earned his 10s of millions with a positive message of healing, hope and love. I imagine there was some of that. But there was so much hate and divisiveness.