Most aren't going to like anybody on the other side. But I don't think Christie would have lied about the election results and been putting out songs with the J6 felons. I don't think DeSantis would have done that either. Trump is in his own league of problematic that goes beyond policy.
Romney wanted nothing to do with a Trump after seeing his childish behavior in the primaries and was at odds with him from the start.
I would, respectfully categorize your as a moderate Democrat. I think that he would be a bit too far on the right for you.
Romney did travel to trump tower ostensively to talk about being named SOS. trump humiliated him by dragging him out to a public dinner with photos, letting it be known that Romney wanted State then naming Tillotson to the post (iirc).
Did not know that, and stand corrected. But calling me wrong? Now I know my wife secretly posts here under the alias, “aginggator.” Honey, I’ll be home soon.
I think you are correct as I am a moderate democrat, and I’d prefer a good moderate democrat who isn’t 100 years old, but there aren’t many left, and I’d mostly be ok with an old style moderate Republican. I’m sure there would be issues I won’t agree with them. Christie doesn’t strike me as a social conservative and he is generally a fiscal conservative, so those are two selling points. I suspect ideologically he’d be the closest R candidate for me, with Nikki Haley second.