A while ago a headline caption on CNN said "GOP Presidential Hopeful Field Gets More Crowded," with a picture of big Chris Christie. I have to give them credit for such a subliminal message, intended or not.
Christie coming out hard against Trump and looking really at ease while doing it. He talked in a town hall setting for an hour with no prompter.
Of course FoxNews immediately issued an apology following their comment about Christie’s weight. Having to deal with one billion dollar lawsuit after another is tempering their insults a bit. Fox News Anchor John Roberts Apologizes for Joke About Chris Christie's Weight
So how does he explain that it took him years to realize what every other functional human already knew about Donald Trump? I mean it's not super important, he's toast, and I'm not willing to watch an hour, but if he addressed it and it's an easy answer I would indeed be curious.
This. Christie was Trump’s debate prep partner and coach even in 2020. This is on par with the threads on the board from people who voted twice for Trump before but are suddenly somehow appalled by his behavior- LOL!
I think because he thought Trump would be good for Republican policies, and he was the clear and only opportunity to defeat the opponent (Hilary). Once he got too in bed with Trump, he learned more precisely who Trump really was, beyond the facade and rhetoric, and jumped ship. There’s a legion of other people that were cautiously optimistic that did the same.
Christie was the original fat angry guy known for being a dick to people (and shutting down a bridge to piss people off). I remember one of his first appearances on this board was someone posting a video of him being an asshole to a teacher, and conservatives being very excited about him. Main difference between him and Trump is he actually has some command of policy.
I actually would give some consideration to voting for Christie. I just don’t think I’ll have the opportunity to have to weigh that decision. I give zero consideration to voting for trump or desantis.
Christie is very much like Trump. Has many good policy positions and executes them fairly well. Then he opens his mouth and you find it hard to like him.
Don’t let him fool you. He knew full well who and what Trump was. Romney did too. They wanted to be in his admin. Don’t excuse that just because he is now attacking trump to your liking.
The difference between the two is that while one is a criminal (conceding that he has yet to be convicted based on the facts it's only a matter of time) the other actually has a history of prosecuting criminals although I would agree that Christie came very close to crossing the line with his George Washington Bridge stunt.
Excuse me, but that’s clearly fake news and a doctored photo. Everyone knows Trump really looks like this:
Let’s be objective here. Your bias is showing. If Trump had done what Christie did you would not say he “came very close to crossing the line”. You would say that he had crossed it, which he most likely did. If Christie were to win the nomination, you and others here would be happy for a day, and then would begin the attack that would see Christie treated no better than Trump. I will maintain that they birds of a feather, as will you if Christie wins the nomination.
I get it. He is highly hypocritical in enabling Trump in 2016 and 2020. But the bar is pretty low these days. For any notable Republican to come out and speak the truth regarding Trump is a significant accomplishment. I tended to roll my eyes at his entry into the race, but damn, his message is strong and his communication skills are excellent. In a field full of “beta” candidates (including DeSantis) Christie is the only other candidate that is challenging Trumps “alpha” dog status.
If you put Christie and Trump in the same level of corruption and hypocrisy then you truly delusional. I could probably live with Christie as President.