Bullcrap! Several hard right members in this board have offered ideas that would help. The problem is that “common sense gun control” from the left almost always quickly breaks down to gun bans. All guns. If you ban AR15 and there are mass shootings with 9mm pistol will the left say oh that’s on… it’s not a weapon of war? No. The left will want semi auto pistols banned. Ok… and then a mass shooting with Benelux m4 shotgun… pretty soon All guns are banned. This is the logical conclusion. And a few politicians have even been bold enough to admit it. If you want the other side to join you in curbing violence how you package your ideas and messages are important. For both side! Stop pandering to your base( both sides do this) and work towards something that will actually work( neither side does this). Why… they don’t really want to solve gun violence… they realize two things 1. We can’t solve gun violence… it will always be with us. We can mitigate it though. 2. Gun control is a perfect political hot potato. No real answers, lots of sound bites, plenty of emotional pot stirring, easy fire brand for both sides.
Read again. Generally being a key word. I have enjoyed most of your takes on this before your misguided diatribe. I'm not going to call them out by name but there are more than a few vocal opponents of any responsibility being placed on access to guns in the U.S.
I read it again The generally refers to the war on drugs, border control etc… “When it comes to gun reform (not bans) it’s ALWAYS…. Refers to gun reform.
Nope. Generally applied to both takes but I didn't do a good job clarifying the exceptions to the rule. And your take is generally the exception here as it pertains to board conservatives. Point being the same people that want to tackle monumental challenges like a war on drugs or border control claim there is no starting point regarding gun reform as part of a more encompassing solution towards curbing U.S. gun violence.
Fair enough.. I read it differently but I like your explanation. There are still several here that have offered solutions and compromise. Are there nutter hardliners? Yes. Same as the ones on the left calling to ban all guns. Sadly it’s the far extremes that get all the air time because they generate the most emotion.
Considering the number of guns "out there", it's amazing we don't have more shootings. Most legally obtained gun owners are law abiding responsible people. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you have to use it, so yes gun violence is "abnormal" unless used in a defensive situation. I know hundreds of gun owners and not one of them has EVER fired a shot at someone. They practice with their firearms, they shoot in competitions, they hunt, they collect. What makes them different than the 19 year old that shot people at the graduation? Let me guess. Poverty, no opportunity, he was just mad. Tell me how we as a society are going to teach that 19 year old that shooting someone is unacceptable? Oh right, we're not. We're just going to bitch about the number of guns. So 10 to 40 year olds are the main group committing gun related crimes. Then lock them up until they are 41, with NO early release. And what do you think they are going to do when they get out? Why don't we look up the number of multiple offenders out there who could have been stopped had they not been released early. Some of you guys live in a dream world.
Colorado protesters demand that governor issue order banning all guns | US news | The Guardian Joy Reid - The Reidout with Here for the kids
Yes, there are plenty on the left calling for a gun ban. Australian style ( which has shown up in this board several times) has been brought up. Joy Reid had Saira Rao on her national news show ( political opinion show.. whatever.) Again, when that rhetoric is already being floated in national tv and supported by voices in the left it’s not hard to ask where does it end. You ban AR15s, and mass murders and shootings still happen. So then you can 9mm…. But then they use shotguns… because it isn’t the gun and never has been .. it’s the evil person behind it. So the path doesn’t end until all guns are gone.
Maybe 'some on the left' would be more accurate than 'the left.' Unless 'the right' wants to overthrow our democracy.
River, where are you to call out the posters in other threads claiming all the white people that moved from Jackson were racists? Or do you just jump in when a conservative doesn’t tow your line? Secondly I said the lefts arguments break down into van all guns. Some have come out and publicly said it others know that it is the end result but stay quite. Again… what guns are you going to van that will end the gun violence? If not all guns… just ar 15s? Right and then the mass shootings with 9mm take place the wonder nines all get banned. Ok… but the. Shotguns are used so we got to save the kids… and shotguns are used in war… ban the weapon of war… What will be left. And you know you have seen the Australian model brought up and used as a great example on this board. Now does anyone actually think that all people of one political persuasion have the exact same idea of course not. But if you want to strain at gnats all day be my guess.
I also look forward to you personally correcting all the left leaning posters that use broadbrush derogatory terms towards the right.Because plenty on here have made that very accusation.. conservatives tried to overthrow the democracy.Should we look around and see what people have said about DeSantis supporters? Broadbrush type stuff? You’re gonna be busy.
These same tired arguments designed to try to frighten gun owners. Let me preface this with I have a carry permit, I currently own an AR-15, I currently own an Intratec Tec-9, and I currently own approximately a dozen other handguns. Ignoring your tired, BS, company line, for whatever reason the AR-15 has become the weapon of choice for these mass shooters. Eliminate them, force the shooters to go to something else. Ban other "assault-style" weapons like my Tec-9. Let the mass shooters get 9MM pistols...it will be a great day in this country if that was the new weapon of choice among our mass killers. We need to ban high capacity magazines at the same time. Both are horrible, but I'd prefer the next mass shooter to have a 9MM pistol with 8 rounds in the clip than an AR-15 with a 30 round standard magazine. Sure the shooter with the 9MM can change magazines, but if you'll take off your "free with a paid NRA membership pair of shooting glasses," you'll acknowledge which of my two hypothetical shooters poses the lesser threat of multiple casualties. The most tired of all of your lines is your adaptation of the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" nonsense. Based on that, let N. Korea and Iran have nukes along with any other hole in the world third country that wants one. After all, "nukes don't kill people....." See how stupid that sounds to normal people? It is the gun that kills. I've been to enough shooting incident scenes and looked at enough autopsy photographs to figure that one out. What I just proposed along with red flag laws, universal background checks, etc. would go a long way to starting to get this mess under control.
There’s too many immigrants crossing the border, why bother trying to stop more coming in. There’s too much fentanyl in circulation, why bother stopping more coming in.
So, let's put a weapon's ban in place along with a high-capacity mag provision. You stated 8 rounds. First, shootings will still occur. And you acknowledged that. Good, because they will. Secondly, once the shootings continue, how long will it be before we change the existing law to make the max capacity 6 or 4 or whatever. And then how long before we just eliminate gun ownership altogether? If you don't think that could, or will happen, then you are being naive. We all know once the elimination train gets rolling it will never stop. I say pour as much money into the NICS as possible to try and eliminate any possibility of gun sales to individuals who have given up their right to purchase. I say allow States to create their own CWL training regiments, and require a minimum number of training hours prior to any firearm purchase. I say prosecute the living S out of anyone convicted of gun related violence, especially if the weapon used was stolen or not registered. Put the hammer down on these people and DO NOT allow them back out on the streets with the rest of us. And like you, I own an AR, a 9MM and a shotgun, so I am aware of the damage they can inflict.
They’ve been throwing a hissy fit about the boogeyman coming to take their guns since before Obama was elected. Scary asses LOL
Give it time you arrogant know it all. I may not be around to see it happen but I would be willing to bet that some sort of ban or confiscation program takes place in the future. With a country full of people that can't seem to control themselves it's bound to happen. I noticed you didn't comment on the second paragraph, which was a few high-level ideas on things we could do. I guess that was nonsense too.