While she is an idiot the only thing perhaps wrong about her post is “climate cult”, that’s a matter of opinion what the definition of that is I guess.
Actually, he would be pretty gleeful about it as long as it stayed confined to the blue areas it seems to be impacting the most.
Yes, I’m sure he’d be entirely thrilled at the smoke/smog covering his New Jersey golf course where he’d usually be this time of year.
Wasn't the big fire there started as a controlled burn that got out of control? Do you have evidence that they don't do the proper controlled burns?
I have no evidence either way, hence “may have helped mitigate the risk”. I didn’t see any mention of a controlled burn that got away, mainly lighting and unknown causes(suggested humans being careless).
Apparently this has begun more mask outrage from Hannity, Watters and Pirro: https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-ne...-officials-suggesting-masking-protect-against https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-ne...aring-masks-protect-themselves-wildfire-smoke https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-ne...ity-wear-mask-protect-yourself-wildfire-smoke
Smoke doesn’t exist? Or something? Not sure what Fox’s arg is. They’ve gone totally off the rails, they are basically arguing against basic common sense at this point. Trainwreck x Groundhog Day.
Just wait until Fauci recommends a smoke vaccine. Oh boy! Seriously, I guess this started with Trump trying to deny or dismiss Covid. That started the idea that the CDC and its warnings were the enemy. Once they bought into that, they kept doubling down and there's no turning back.
The fire started as a result of low snowfall, dry weather, and lightning. They are doing controlled burns now. The D.C. suburbs where I am is much worse today. I can see the haze in the street, and my sinuses are killing me.
Yeah, I'm in Fairfax and it's real here today. Yesterday I couldn't tell much, there was some slight haze. Today the sky is yellow, my eyes are a little irritated, and there is a subtle smoke smell.
Kinda have one going on up here. There's a low in the Gulf of Maine that is sparing northern New England and sending it all further south. For now.... I haven't seen long range forecasts for this, but I suspect I'll be choking next week.