I'm not the one blaming it on Black people, O&B was (through the proxy of calling them Dems). And I'm sure there was some mismanagement involved, just like you'll find in any city. But when a city goes from more than 200,000 people in 1980 to 149,000 now, that city is going to have some major problems, especially when much of the population that left tended to be more affluent. That has nothing to do with race (other than race being a factor in the White flight). With a dwindling tax base, it's pretty difficult to pay for maintaining infrastructure.
And now you’re flailing and making shit up. Where did I say blacks messed anything up in Jackson, MS? Please show the board. You are not doing well. But it’s fun watching you stumble.
I’ll grant you the edit but the point remains. Red states get way more from the govt then what they put in. Mississippi either can’t afford to keep Jackson afloat or more likely actively disinvests in it. Red states benefit from the largesse of blue states with their outsized GDP. Texas is an exception due to oil and Florida due to 130 mil tourists whom DeSatan is actively trying to chase away.
It’s a BLUE city. This has been a problem for DECADES in a blue city. The BLUE city government has not fixed the problem but instead mismanaged funds and was corrupt. This is not a simple Red state living of the tit of blue states.
Just you. Waiting for you to apologize to me and the board for this poop of a thread. You tried blaming a red state for its blue, blue libbie city problem. Let’s see if you can act like an adult.
I think the legitimate question is if this had happened in a predominately white Republican city there, what would the state have done? I doubt they would have left them for the feds to fix, but of course you can’t prove a negative.
Aw, poor baby, I'm sorry your feewings got hurt. I know how much you like gifs, so maybe this will help you feel better:
Yes it’s untrue. I thought you were better than this. All you’re doing is blaming the next guy. But let’s look at who is running that city and has been democrat for many years.