Again, people are giving you grief because the subject in question has a penis and you haven't recognized their transition because of it yet the same people who oppose your position think she shouldn't be walking around exposing male genitalia in the lockeroom. Why not?
This whole damn bathroom thing is just absurd. If some asshat wants to assert he's a woman and entitled to a "woman's" bathroom, have one already set up somewhere else nearby and directed him to it. No need to ridicule him or make a scene, or allow him to male a scene.
1. I have no idea if she has had bottom surgery or not. Do you know? 2. If somebody asks you to use a preferred name or pronoun, it's simple courtesy to do so. 3. I don't walk around flashing my genitalia in men's locker rooms. Why? Courtesy.
I once had a date tell me she was Beetlejuice. Then she slammed me up against the wall and started kissing me. We were both pretty drunk, but she was convincing.
1. The specifics to this particular case shouldn't matter regarding this question. Either one accepts how another identifies regardless of their anatomy or they don't. Apply this to any one not necessarily this case. 2. I have zero interest in misgendering a person especially if it's plainly obvious as to how they want to be identified as. It's not always clear and I don't expect to be vilified for making a mistake. 3. It's commonplace for men and women to be exposed in lockerooms.
I fully accept how she identifies. It's others who are arguing that one's right to use a certain bathroom or locker room should depend on whether they've had bottom surgery or not. Nobody is vilifying anybody for a mistake. The trans people I know are understanding when people make errors. There's a massive difference between making a mistake and intentionally misgendering a person, which is the conduct I called out. The locker room in question here had shower stalls for people to change (ensuring they would be obscured). If you are a person who knows that you may make other people feel uncomfortable when you are nude, you should give them the same courtesy you expect them to give you. I don't walk around men's locker rooms with my genitalia out because it may make other people uncomfortable. And I think that we should endeavor to treat each other with courtesy in shared spaces. Sometimes, it's not possible to remain covered up. But where it is, why shouldn't we?
Walking around lockerooms or even dropping a towel to change with others present has never been my thing but it exists and it's pretty commonplace. It's common in sports and it's common at healthclubs. That may be an older generation thing regarding health clubs but when I had to use the restroom at the local Y or healthclub I knew It was a possibility that some dudes were going to be changing. Regardless, it's an accepted place to change clothes and there is a reason it's not consider indecent exposure in that setting.
I'm on the record as saying I address them in real life as they desire, but they lose the respect from me if they are showering in the women's locker room. Respect works two ways.
Ive been at my current gym for years ive never seen anyone go full frontal. People rarely even use the showers... And the locker room is like a nfl locker room lol.
I call them by their name. But i will use their preferred gender out of respect in person. Respect is mutual though.
Current gyms seem to have a better set up for discretion although I'm not sure how your experience differs so much from mine. Even the newer gyms I have been to have had the occasional person drop towel to change. Again, the point beyond all is that it is considered the place to do so if one feels it necessary. Personally speaking, I do everything I can to not use a public shower
There was the one old dude who would dry his balls with a hairdryer with his foot on the sink not sure f he was a vip here or not
I don't but that's not the point. Do you think it hasn't happened? Lia Thomas' teammate claims she was doing it in the lockeroom. Now I haven't verified that is true and frankly I don't trust most accounts from people who run to the media to tell their story. Her teammate seems politically motivated but either way. Maybe it happened and maybe it didn't. The point would stand however that if Lia Thomas still had male genitalia then the lockeroom of a swim team would be the appropriate place to change with teammates if one accepts her gender regardless of anatomy. Some people here aren't as far from agreement with you on majority of the subject matter. Some just believe if one identifies as the opposite gender of the genitalia they were born with then a full transition should be required to enjoy the full benefits of womanhood/manhood otherwise it's too easy for people who are either confused or trolling to make claims and then push envelopes of common respect and decency.