Since Mississippi won't do it, the federal government is spending hundreds of millions to fix Jackson's water system. Let's just hope the money doesn't end up in Brett Favre's bank account.
From the few articles I read It seems the water system in Jackson has been mismanaged for decades. Repairs and updates have not been done for decades, money mismanagement has been going on for decades and the federal government steppped in and made the city turn the water system o we to an outside management team. I do not know… is this on the city or the state? I lived not far from there for years and the common rumor was that the local government was corrupt as could be. I have no idea if that is true but if what I read is correct it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m glad the feds are stepping. Local government needs to be cleaned out and start over. Water… clean water … is a staple that should always be priority. Anyone living off grid can tell you just how important water is… far more important than electricity.
Does it matter? If it's on the city and the city screwed it up then the state should step in and fix it. It's the freaking capital of the state. Why should other states ultimately have to pay for it?
Jackson is a liberal city. Best Cities in Mississippi for Democrats: 1. Jackson, MS (39203) In Jackson, there is an 86.5% chance a resident of Jackson is a Democrat. Looks like your “red state” isn’t the problem. It’s the blue city. And now the federal govt has to come bail out the libbies.
That's because all the conservative White racists left the city, leaving Blacks (who as we know tend to be Democrats) as the large majority. The Republican racists that run the state (governor and legislature) are not interested in spending money to help Black people, so the Feds have to step in. That's how it works in Mississippi.
Man Your last post sounds a little racist in and of itself. This is a problem that has been brewing for decades. Your post makes it sound like the black democrat government of Jackson isn’t capable of 1. Running a city 2. Managing the water system 3. Not being corrupt It may be that the state has gotten tired of the corrupt mismanagement of Jackson and told them to get it fixed. I mean… the feds had to bring in an outside management team and take control away from the local government. It is a shame that this happened. But to place all the blame on the republicans(white folks) and nine in the local government is a joke. Local government seemingly has let the ball drop for over twenty years. Residents of y need to be pointing fingers at their elected officials.
Yea If it’s a city matter and it’s been going on for more than twenty years then I think the finger pointing should be at the local government/officials.
The state could do exactly what the feds are doing and just fix the damn system. Right? They choose not to…for reasons… so now the entire country is on the hook for a local-state problem.
I agree with that. I don’t agree that all the blame lies at the feet of the state…or as some posters want to say…at the feet of white people. The city was responsible for the mess, has been responsible for the mess for over twenty years. They city has long been mismanaged, has long been known for corruption and has long been an issue. Should the state fix it? Yes… But be honest, if the state had swept in 10 years ago and taken over the management of the water system , repaired and fixed and had it run by an outside management group… the outcry would have been sky high.
Mississippi chose instead to spend its dollars on taking over the police department so them can continue their time honored tradition of beating and killing black folk