What we need is more silos in this country. Ultimately, that is the end result of this. Rather than having to deal with the messy real world, protect those kids from scary ideas and people that might challenge their pre-conceived notions. That way, those children won't ever question the beliefs of their parents and can be properly viewed as extensions of the parents, not individuals that need to find their own way.
Why on Earth not? Please justify why Florida should spend billions on unaccredited, unaccountable schools.
Private schools have more control over your children than a public school (and more ways to hide their misdeeds and incompetence from the public), truly a bizarre argument. Kanye's private school made people sign NDAs, that would never happen in a public school! I suppose you can argue you have your choice of which little authoritarian state you let control them, for some the illusion of choice is a "freedom." For people that argue private corporations like Disney are brainwashing their kids, it seems crazy to be like "this is about not letting people control others."
This sounds good in theory, but let me pose a hypothetical. Suppose we live in a dystopian future where everything you fear about DeathSantis, Orange God, and MAGA comes to pass. The MAGA hoards have taken over education in Florida, and you are one of the remaining refugees in the state of Florida. You are squarely against sending your daughter to public school in the state of Florida because you don't want her growing up thinking that colorblindness is good, there is no white supremacy, marriage is between one man and one woman alone, freedom is better than equity, immigration is bad, and the Handmaid's Tale is the only normal way to live. You would rather your daughter learn about the history of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, the injustices of white supremacy, slavery, microaggressions, Trump, MAGA, and other additional oppressed and marginalized peoples who have been since been discovered in the United States. Do the people in the state of Florida have a right and a duty to shut down your desire to have a voucher, so your public money can support a private entity that gives your daughter an education more in line with your desires?
fine, then no vouchers. you have freedom to do whatever you want, no tax payer money involved with rights come responsibilities in most people's worlds
I'd be happy to respond, but I don't understand this rather tortured hypothetical. Perhaps you could simplify?
I want a house on the water and a 24' bay boat with a 36v spotlock trolling motor and twin power poles. where's my vouchers?
sadly, I doubt many of them knew jsut how far off the reservation desi and the gang would go. if all this would have happened before the election I believe that the results would have been drastically different
Was there a state-wide referendum on this? A poll, even? Debate in the legislature? Editorials in the newspaper? If there was a poll, did the question read: Approve/Disapprove of allocating state taxes to schools which are in no manner answerable to the public, are unaccredited, and may have strict and/or exclusionary admission policies?
If DeS wasn't running for president, I think he would be governing Florida drastically different, as well. Less like an anti-woke lunatic on steroids.
Because the principled liberals being their principled selves will still send their kids to public school despite the vouchers which would lead to funding for the public schools.