Your post: “Subsidize housing... They're just going to raise the housing prices. Subsidize drugs, they're just going to raise the drug prices.” It was apropos exactly nothing in the thread and justified nothing you asserted. Sorry pointing that out seemed snarky to you.
do you think that private schools should be required to accept all students make their budgets public be required to be accredited provide transportation guarantee (via performance bonds) that they will remain open for the duration of the school year accommodate disabled students these are all things that public schools must do to receive the same funding.
Ensuring quality education for all children is inherently socialist to some degree since it relies upon subsidies and tax payer dollars regardless of parents' ability to pay. I'm not sure that a true free market analysis applies in the same way it does for restaurants or shoes. I'm good with public/private competition so long as their respective resources, challenges, and outcomes can be fairly evaluated and publicized. I am open minded about it but just haven't seen data indicating that private schools can do more with the same resources. Even in the threads here, there seems to be a concession that more money is needed.
LOL, trannys leaving, pre trannys leaving, gays leaving, illegals leaving, lefties leaving...maybe the parents that want a possible better education for their kids will offset the exodus.
sadly, the great majority of parents are not that involved in their kids education and will send their kids to a school that tells them what they want to hear with little to no research from the parents. make the voucher schools meet the same criteria of the public schools I listed above and then let's talk
There's a middle ground here. First, means-tested voucher eligibility. Second, accredited charter schools only. Last, transparent records of all charter/private schools receiving state monies.
The real agenda is revealed here. The opposition to vouchers is opposition to parental autonomy in education. When parents have educational autonomy the power of the state is diminished. That is why private education is bad. Private education is bad because government does not control it. There are some people in this world who despise parents. They worry about parents who think differently than them being equipped to raise their children apart from heavy influence from the state and government bureaucrats. For the bureaucrat, the child is a statistic influencing a pool of global averages and metrics. The child is also a ticket to funding. The child is also a future voter. All of these things matter, and there are people who despise parents who would wish to raise their children differently. Parents do not see children as a commodity or a number influencing global statistics, global metrics, and global analytics. Parents make educational decisions for their children that consider more than test scores and financial numbers going up or down on a financial spreadsheet. The parent does not see the child as a person to be manipulated to win future elections. Parents live with their children. Parents know their children. They know their grades. They know their interests. They know their mental health. They know their abilities. They know their interpersonal relationships. They know their weaknesses. Parents are so much more capable of making decisions for their children than the government is. They know their needs better than government bureaucrats do. Sometimes a child needs a different social environment. A child may not be mentored in a public school the same way they might be mentored at a private school. A child might have friends at school who are a bad influence. A child might be bullied at school. There might be fights, bomb threats, knives, and violence at school. A child may not be happy in their current environment. Giving parents autonomy to make important decisions regarding the environment they are placing their child in is what a free country looks like. A country where parents are not free to make decisions about raising their own children is not a free country. It is important that we empower parents to do what is best for their children. For some that might be public school. For some that might be a religious private school. For others that might be a rigorous college prep private school. For others that might look like homeschooling. Empower parents to make their own decisions, and then live and let live. I know there are people who would disagree with that, and I am quite disturbed by those people who feel it is their personal responsibility to control other people's children and tell parents what is best for their child. Those people need to step back in their own lane and let people raise their own children.
1. No 2. Unsure. I have not researched this one. 3. No. There is too much potential for corruption and control in accreditation. 4. No. 5. Unsure. I have not researched this one either. 6. No.
Hey, I'm not trying to control anyone's children or choices. They can homeschool them, charter, or parochial, fine with me. I do think citizens have a right, nay, a duty, to weigh in when the state is dispersing public monies to support private entities. Especially if those private entities are going to be exempt from the oversight and regulations imposed on public schools.
so you want to give them the same funding with none of the associated requirements. does that sound equitable in your world?
I would agree with the statement if you replace "destroy" with "disempower." Leftism is a philosophy of controlling others. Disempowering the mechanisms that are used to exercise that control is a good thing.
Those with no children get no choice in where their tax dollars are spent on other people's kids, why? Is Short bus going to give all of those people the 8000 or whatever to spend as they choose on anything other than education for other people's kids?
Whether you agree with this word choice or not, DeS specifically said "destroy:" “I will be able to destroy leftism in this country and leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history,” the Florida governor told Fox News. Both sides try to control others. That's what laws do. The "mechanisms," by which this is accomplished is called "democracy."