I assume you mean private schools. And it's $3.2 billion. Still, that's a lot of money to throw away so for-profit schools can increase their tuition.
70% of the schools in Florida that accept vouchers are NOT accredited. Link below has a complete list of schools. Florida's Voucher Program: Data Snapshot and List of Participating Schools I have a wife of an employee that teaches 6th grade at a local private school. Took 3 attempts to pass the GED. Does not have a teaching certificate. Molding the minds of tomorrows leaders....
Why is DeS even embarking on something this ambitious if he thinks he's going to be moving to the Washington area in the near future?
likely to get more kids into religious backed schools. is there funding in the budget for this? did they cap it or is it just pull it out of the local school districts budgets? wait until property taxes skyrocket to keep the public schools open.
Since when do ya'll complain about welfare queens. All I ever hear when we bring it up is that they're the exception for people who cash welfare checks. But homeschooling welfare queens will be the norm? Also, as though there's no costs to homeschooling?
he’s trying to get to DC. He signed right for everyone to carry guns around, 6 week abortion ban, school vouchers for all, banning books - he’s def on the right side of trump. But it doesn’t matter, maga is locked on to dear leader.
Andrew Spar, president of the Florida Education Association teachers union, said the law will divert public money to private schools. It “will drain billions of taxpayer dollars away from the neighborhood public schools that nearly 90 percent of Florida’s parents trust to educate their children,” he said in a statement. “Additionally, this new law will hand over that public money to unaccountable, corporate-run private schools.” PBS
Can this logic not be applied to every welfare program in existence? Subsidize housing... They're just going to raise the housing prices. Subsidize drugs, they're just going to raise the drug prices. I guess the difference is ya'll get empathy points for "trying," while DeSantis is cast as some policy buffoon who is doing this for some malicious purpose.
From gatordavisl's post #9: “Vouchers are fundamentally unjust and inequitable,” said the Rev. Charles Foster Johnson, Founder and Executive Director of Pastors for Texans Children. “It is wrong for public tax dollars to be diverted to subsidize the private education of affluent children. To pay for religious education is an especially egregious violation of both the public trust and of God’s moral law of religious freedom.” “Gov. Abbott has tied up the entire legislature this session, at the cost of millions of tax dollars, for his own petty personal political agenda. Sadly, his stated intention is to continue calling special legislative sessions until he bullies the House into submission.” “There is only one way to deal with a bully: a firm, patient, courageous confrontation. Precisely what our morally oak-strong caucus of pro-public education rural Republican and urban Democratic House members can provide.”