Interesting statement from the person who introduced mocking certain Christians into a thread about horse racing.
Did you try the horse meat? It was sold in Belgium when we lived there. It was very tasty. We could only afford packaged lunchmeat though, as horse steaks were way too expensive.
Well, it's been about a month since I last posted in this thread. Since I'm not going to go back and read all five pages, can you tell me where I was "mocking certain Christians"?
To be specific, I was referring to young-Earth creationists who think the Earth is not more than 10,000 years old. I'm sorry if that includes you.
That does not include me, but why go out of your way to mock them? It added nothing to the discussion.
That’s your right. It’s not a horse from a field nearby. A horse that gets into the Kentucky Derby is a seven figure investment minimum. Image buying a ferrari to crash it Young people ride for dresssage as well as western. Auburn has an excellent equestrian team. I hope the highest level of horse racing takes action.
People who lack a basic understanding of science? Many religions have different ages when the world was created. Anybody who believes genesis 1 or 2 are anything other than allegory and take them literally thinks faith is more important than logic.
My father was a man who believed a story being good was more important than it being truthful. My grandfather was a butcher who ended up being the head meat buyer for A and P grocers. My dad said when he had his own butcher shop in the 20s. He would display horse meat in the windows because it stayed pink longer. It was for display not for sell. Occasionally somebody would demand to buy the cut in the window and grandpa would charge extra for it.