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CNN buzz

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by tampagtr, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Searched and saw no thread on the buzziest piece on the internet yesterday - Tim Alberta’s long form in the Atlantic (free for now), after shadowing Chris Licht. The piece has already led to a partial defenestration of Licht by Zaslav, evil himself, but the piece reveals that was long in the works, not a result of this revelation.

    I am not interested in Licht, only the larger issue of CNN’s role. Dan Drezner has captured my basic thoughts when I first read it. I will link to him. Link to the piece inside

    CNN and the Inventory Problem

    The deeper story, however, is to divine what the big takeaway should be from Licht’s tenure to date. Because as much as Licht f ed up CNN’s morning show and Trump’s town hall, it is worth remembering that the network was not exactly in a great place before he came on board. There was the CNN+ fiasco, there was Zucker’s inappropriate work relationship, and there was prime time anchor Christopher Cuomo pretending that ethics were not a big deal across a wide variety of behaviors. Just as Twitter was not in great shape when Elon Musk bought it, CNN was not in the pink of health when Licht came on board.

    And here’s the problem for Licht and CNN: no one under the age of 75 will turn on CNN — or any cable news network for that mater — for fun. Younger generations will rely on social media to capture the lurid highlights of any cable news segment. Short of a real-time breaking news story, watching CNN is not on anyone’s to-do list. Licht’s ham-handed effort to cater to Fox News viewers has alienated the MSNBC demographic. And his attempt to woo those Fox watchers is bound to fail because those viewers do not want to watch the news, they want to hear reassuring conservative platitudes.

    That said, Licht is correct in noting that viewers will turn on CNN in times of crisis — at least, I think he’s right. This means that one should view CNN as like inventory — something that is absolutely necessary in case of emergencies but otherwise operates as a deadweight loss.²Licht gets at this when he tells Alberta that it is fine if CNN is not profitable: “This is a reputational asset for the company. It is not a profit-growth driver,” Licht said. The trouble is that Licht can’t then define “reputational asset” to Alberta.

    Licht’s problem is that every single thing he has done since taking over at CNN has devalued the network’s “break glass in case of emergency” value while adding zero to the fun side. It’s just a massive cluster

    The way I thought of it was, no one has mismanaged CNN, resulting in losses. The world has changed. CNN is still trusted by nearly all, worldwide, in times of crisis, as even those who say they don’t trust CNN know better. But in non crisis times, younger types stick to social media and their phones, and conservatives want to be lied to - see this board and Conservatives actively want to believe only lies - Kevin Drum

    So there is very little role for CNN outside of an active crisis. Then it’s invaluable. No smart management will change that reality and bring numbers back on a nightly basis.
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  2. Sohogator

    Sohogator GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 22, 2012
    Thanks for the reminder to read. I love their journalism along with Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair. It’s just hard to justify $100 for a sub when I can get most of the stories elsewhere.
  3. cocodrilo

    cocodrilo GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Chris has been licked?
  4. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Truth. Right there with you. Feel guilty about it, but...
  5. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I have no idea what their strategy is, that’s the real problem.
    The night Trump was indicted, a historical moment by any measure regardless of how you view it, they spent the entire 8p hour interviewing Pence.
    The night if the debt ceiling vote, I flipped over for coverage, and they were talking about Taylor Swift.
    The Trump town hall was an absolute fiasco, interviewing him in front of a bunch of rowdy supporters.

    they seem to have zero idea of who or what they want to be, so right now they are nothing.
  6. 14serenoa

    14serenoa Living in Orange and surrounded by Seminoles... VIP Member

    Jul 28, 2014
    Unbiased reporting is valued. Provide facts and figures without bias is an approach I would appreciate. Identify segments that include opinions with a disclaimer. Blending the actual 'news reporting' and opinions is deceptive practice.
  7. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    I don't want this to sound flip, but honestly, I am shocked that there are any "news networks" still on TV. The only people watching are the 70+ year olds who are rapidly decreasing.

    I cannot imagine a CNN existing as anything more than a website before too much longer
  8. cocodrilo

    cocodrilo GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    They'll have to pry the remote out of my cold dead hands.
    • Funny Funny x 2