Or maybe you shouldn’t lie about people, I would’ve thought you learned that in elementary school. Liars lie and you’ve been caught twice by me.
For a little context click on the link below and yes you got me, Trump's 12% of the black vote in 2020 did exceed W's 11% in 2004 as well George H.W. Bush's 11% in 1988 and 10% in 1992. No, Trump Didn’t Win ‘The Largest Share Of Non-White Voters Of Any Republican In 60 Years’
This is already going the wrong way for Desantis. Look for this to spread like wildfire. Latinos will be afraid to get medical care. A few more negative stories about Hispanics dying because they were afraid to go to the hospital. Why do I feel like this will end up as another big loser at the polls?
Why would desantis hate Cubans? They have historically overwhelmingly supported Pubs in Florida. Cubans are a part of his Florida base. You would have made a good point if you were Haitian or even Mexican, Cuban not so much.
With zero facts to back it up. You are racist. See, that’s how dumb it sounds. Without proof you look stupid.
We might just be making some progress here in getting you to understand the difference between an opinion and a lie. If you find someone's opinion stupid, that's fine. Feel free to say so. But saying someone's opinion is a lie makes you look stupid. By definition, opinions aren't lies.
I don’t view the US as racist and evil. I view DeSantite policies as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and evil. I’m equally sure that most people who support such atrocious policies don’t view themselves as supporters of disgusting agendas. But just because they can’t see a reflection in an honest mirror doesn’t mean such policies are any less hateful.
You mean he likes and caters to people who reliably vote for him, regardless of race, color, or creed?
What does it say about this country when the two leading candidates for the Republican nomination for president are Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis? I don't think much more needs to be said. I won't mention the Democratic candidate being a stumbling old man who the party can't get rid of. At least he's a decent human being. He's not a hateful fascist-sounding demogogue who says things like "I'm your retribution" and "we will destroy leftism in this country." God help us.
Nope. You just are too ignorant or obtuse to understand. You are blatantly lying by saying he’s racist because there isn’t any proof out there to substantiate your claim. Again, stop lying, you should’ve learned that in elementary school.
I’ll ask you this as you often give non partisan answers. Are these business people unhappy with “Desi and the gang” now because they feel like these illegal workers are being targeted because of racism or because they are potentially losing their cheap labor?
Let's stop with that, OK. Stating an opinion is not lying. And claiming that someone is or is not racist is clearly an opinion.