Hilarious. The guy who was just ranting about "Marxist indoctrination" in schools to justify laws attacking academic freedom is accusing the other side of using McCarthy's tactics. Pure projection.
Then stand up to your own side when they do it instead of trivializing all of those cases. Otherwise, I'm not standing between DeSantis and you. I'm not granting you a courtesy you wouldn't grant me. Such a lack of self-awareness in this response. All of that describes you and the left a lot closer than it describes me or DeSantis. And not based on "traditional" versus "progressive," but based on tactics and power dynamics, which is really what McCarthy is most famous for. When people think of the "red scare," they think of the problem where everyone who disagreed with McCarthy was branded a pejorative that would completely shut down the conversation and ostracize them from society. And ironically, a lot of "progressive" policy these days is racist on its face. You have admitted yourself that you have no problem with racial quotas and that they should be Constitutional.
"Racist" is the new "Communist" and is a much more powerful pejorative than "Communist" in America these days, which says a lot about where America is (it loathes actual racism). The problem is you've blown your credibility... and people are catching on.
Middle school, you don't seem to understand what the word 'lie' means. When someone expresses an opinion that you don't agree with, that doesn't mean they are lying. It just means that there is a difference of opinion.
I understand what lie means. You lied when you said DeSantis is racist. Simple as that. You are a liar. Can’t spell it out any clearer. Unless you have actual facts showing he’s racist I’ll just assume you are making shot up again, as usual.
You obviously don't, because how can a subjective opinion be a lie? How can someone be objectively racist to where it could be proved true or false lol? Its a subjective judgement.
It’s simple, produce facts that he’s racist. Notice how almost no one is defending trump. But the DeSantis comparison is beyond stupid and almost just like the laughable NAACP notice
Ok if its so simple, produce facts that Kim Kardashian isn't hot. Because these are things that can be settled with "facts" lol.
A former student of Ron DeSantis' says he was 'hostile' to her because she was Black and would play 'devil's advocate' about the Civil War: NYT If he's not one, he sure does ACT like one.
Simplify, simplify. DeSantis is a fascist. Does that cover it? Most fascists are probably racists, I mean, look at Hitler. But I can't say firsthand, I've never lived under fascist government. But I will if I live long enough, it's just around the corner in this country.
You just laughed off someone who actually did present a fact. I could present the 'monkey" controversy as one, you will probably similarly dismiss that. Its an opinion, you arent going to change it, because evidence doesnt matter to you. Its a subjective judgement, you cant prove what is in someone's heart, all you have are actions and statements. How about you try and prove to us that DeSantis isnt racist, see how that goes?
Unlike yourself, I do stand up to my "own side." Not only do you not stand up to DeSantis, you actively defend what he's doing. I'm not asking for "courtesy." I'm asking you to have principles. Yeah. It's definitely "the left" who are banning LGBTQ content from schools, trying to prevent discussions of racial discrimination, and preventing transgender people from accessing healthcare. You are the heirs to Ross Barnett, Joseph McCarthy, and Anita Bryant. If that disgusts you, good. McCarthy was famous for using his governmental authority to harass and harm the people he disagreed with and disliked. Sounds a lot like your hero, Ron DeSantis. Only if you think race-conscious remedies are inherently racist. If you do, I hate to break it to you but there were numerous desegregation cases post-Brown v. Board that involved race-conscious remedies. You can't remediate harm caused by racial discrimination without taking race into account.
Talked to a social worker in Tallahassee and Quincy area and she said their job is about to be much harder because all of the undocumented workers and their families are going underground due to the new immigration law. She said authorities have been picking up folks at the local Home Depots. I’ve tried to link a NPR article without any luck, the title is here if you want to Google and read about it. Why Florida’s new immigration law is troubling businesses and workers alike
Over 700k undocumented workers in Florida right now. But many are already leaving. Can no longer get a driver license and its a felony to transport them to work. Will the public bus systems start checking for citizenship? Who is going to do all that work when they leave. Lots of contractors and big ag people I know are just now coming to terms with how the new law is going to impact them and they aren't happy with desi and the gang about now.
No, you don't stand up to your own side. You pay two seconds of lip service then pretend it isn't a big deal then scream bloody murder when we do the same thing. I've thoroughly explained myself. None of these conversations go anywhere because even though you don't know it, you're a one-trick pony. You attack the person, not the argument... you turn all of politics into this Black versus White thing (literally), then you compare dissenters to segregationists and Joe McCarthy when someone doesn't think we should have policy that favors one race or ethnicity over another. Your side used policy to politicize the public school system and you defend it, now we're using policy to depoliticize the public school system, and you're screaming about it. Keep screaming. My views have shifted a bit, but you're still calling me all of the same crap you've been calling me for the last 8 years. It's the same schtick every time, and frankly it's pathetic.
Part of the genius of Trump is that he understands the truthfulness of the axiom in my first post. Instead of running away from it, he owned it, knowing they were going to call him a racist either way, because he had the dreaded (R) next to his name. So he did it his way and brought in the people he wanted to bring in. As a result, he scored a higher percentage of the black vote in 2020 than Romney, McCain or Bush ever did.