Republican Senator from Oklahoma arguing with a panelist about whether classes should learn about race, or just be taught "Jesus loves me". Because, apparently, those are somehow mutually exclusive ... Interrupts a panelist who starts a sentence "The reality is ... " by confessing "I don't want reality!". People laugh at him... 'I don’t want reality': Senate GOPer prefers 'Jesus loves me' taught instead of history of race (
At least he admits he doesn’t want the harsh realities of history taught, even tho we already knew it
Pretty clear in context he meant that he didn’t want her version of reality. For full humorous effect, they probably should have cut off the video right at the point he says it. But, no, I get it. It’s not dissimilar to this unintentional humor by Sansa at the :40 mark. You mean one thing, but express something totally different.
In fairness the man is a Republican and he is from Oklahoma. No need to attack a person with disabilities.
Do you think you encourage civil discussion with insults? Ever consider that approach does nothing to bridge the divide and is the same behaivor of those you oppose. It does nothing but degrade your position, unless it gives you some sort of personal joy. To those of us hoping for better country your approach is just as big of a problem of the opposite side that insults and belittles.
Sounded like someone who wanted to jump on her no matter what she said, so when she talked about the reality of situation, he jumped on that…
That’s rich coming from someone who deals out insults. Besides, that Senator deserves worse, so stop being such a nole.
asking for civil discussion is a killjoy? You are another poster whose message is lost when you pepper them with childish insults. Valid points, totally lost when smothered with animosity and insults. No joy in encouraging division, it just plays right into the group that wants to see us divided. Odd how seemingly intelligent people aren't smart enough to see that
Yeah no. I can have a reasonable discussion with or about a conservative. But as I pointed out in another thread only 25-30 GOP’rs in Congress are not loons, vile loons or just plain vile people and we can safely extrapolate that to the (non conservative) people who vote for them. They deserve my mockery and occasional anger
and do you think that encourages them to maybe one day be open to discussion or do you think it just makes the division that much deeper?