I think of this topic often when browsing this forum and reading the ravings of our resident conspiracy theorists. The news here is that those with the largest blindspot are typically the worse. It is a lose/lose situation for the rest of us. "Is there a bullshit blind spot? A series of two studies recently found that people who were the worst at detecting bullshit not only grossly overestimated their detection ability, but also overestimated their ability compared to other people. In other words, they not only believe that they are better at detecting BS than they actually are, they also believe that they are better at it than the average person. At the same time, those who were best at detecting BS not only underestimated their own performance but also believed that they were slightly worse at detecting BS than the average person. This research was published in Thinking & Reasoning." New psychology research reveals the "bullshit blind spot"
I don't think I'm very good at many things but think I'm good at reading people. Maybe I'm wrong. If I'm not even good at that, then I don't know what to say, lol.
"Increased carbon dioxide is actually good because it benefits plants." -- your friendly fossil fuel lobbyist
Holy cow! You’re missing some championship level BS. I’m sure some, maybe most, put me in that category. Predictably, I don’t think I belong there, my BS radar being razor sharp.
I don’t have you blocked or even teetering on it. Some others are teetering. A few of my blocks are basketball board related.
"Woke sportswriter demands Blue Jays cut player with different political opinions than him. So predictable." -- Clay Travis on a columnist opining that the Blue Jays should cut an openly homophobic player
"Tax cuts or other economic benefits primarily targeted at the wealthy or large corporations will automatically result in widespread economic growth and benefit for all individuals, including those in lower-income brackets" - Any rich Republican
There is one poster who I think has insightful posts on the sports board but is bat poop crazy on this forum. I wish I could block his nonsense on this board without blocking his insight on sports stuff.
The arrogance of ignorance. Ignorant people (like Trump for example) often think they know everything there is to know. On the flip side, people who delve into a particular subject often realize how much they don't know about it. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know.